by Nancy Spears

ROSCOMMON, MI – Bambi Lake Retreat and Conference Center is currently closed. We don’t know yet when it will open or what the rest of the summer looks like. It seems that we have said those words a million times. Staff meetings have been interesting here, as we try to plan and speculate what is ahead. Meetings end with these words “We Don’t Know!” So we proceed doing what we do know.

The bathhouse is open and the campground has been inspected. When will we be able to open? We don’t know.
The fallen tree by Pinegrove has been cut up and stacked for summer fires at Pinegrove. Will we be able to rent that space or use it for retreats? We don’t know. Currently the building is winterized and ready for a long winter’s nap in spite of the 90 degree temperature on camp today.
The bathrooms in Cabin 2 have a fresh coat of paint. Just a few more details are needed to finish the renovation that we began early this year. The on-demand water heater is going to be a money saver for that facility and met with guest approval in January. We will be ready for the influx of youth at summer camps if we are able to open. But for now …. You guessed it …. We don’t know.

Staff housing has been rearranged, freeing up previously occupied spaces for rental. The beach house has a kitchen and room for lots of guests. Currently winterized, there is just one thing to tweak there. Should we be ready? Can we rent it this summer? We don’t know. The water is getting warmer. We are preparing to work on the docks. Yes, the fish are biting. A swan is social distancing on the lake. Can you come here? At this point, day trips for family groups would be acceptable. All of our buildings are closed, but the bathhouse is open. Please let us know if you want to do a day trip so that we can discuss details and put it on our schedule.

No overnight stays, at least until June 12 if the current executive order is rescinded. Currently, vacation rentals are not allowed, (Executive Order 2020-96, 13) nor is traveling to vacation spots for short term stays (Executive Order 2020-96, 8c).
So, what about camps this summer? We don’t know. Currently, the order is 10 or fewer for a group that can gather. For some of us, that is just our family group. And that is what is being advised … only household gatherings. We all know that a camp of only 10 is not possible. We currently are waiting to see what the gathering numbers will be for the summer and will adjust as we can. Although many camps have already cancelled for the summer, we are still hanging on to a thread of hope.

This has been a difficult season for the Bambi staff. No doubt, there has been plenty to do with facility and property maintenance. But we had to cancel reservations for Memorial Day Weekend, a long standing tradition for many families. Girl’s camp, youth camps and church camps, for those who have come year after year, are camps that people plan their summer schedule around. Are these going to be cancelled for the first time in 60 years? We don’t know.
What do we know? God is still God, even with all of our questions. We will continue to follow the authority of the government, which is mandated in scripture … It does not keep us from loving God and loving others. And we know who holds tomorrow and no one can snatch us out of His hand. Truly, what else matters?
UPDATE: So excited!! Executive order 2020-96 has been rescinded. Social distancing is still in effect for non-related family, but the outdoor gathering number has been increased to 100. We will open the campground on Monday, June 8th. Hopeful for August events!

Nancy has been a Christian since 1978 and served in various positions in church and WMU. She began working at BSCM in 2013. Four years later, God placed a desire, then a call to serve at Bambi Lake where she is blessed to work with an excellent director and staff. God gives her opportunity at Bambi to use the hobbies she enjoys – to bake, sew and decorate for the camp, as well as some down time to knit, crochet and quilt. Nancy is married to Daniel, a wonderful and understanding man who encourages her to serve where God calls. She has 5 children, 13 grandchildren and one great grandchild. They all love spending time at Bambi Lake.