PLYMOUTH – People all over Michigan have heard the Good News through VBS. It’s a great opportunity to share Jesus and we encourage every church to host VBS for their church and community. This year’s theme from LifeWay is Twists and Turns: Following Jesus Changes the Game. It celebrates that Jesus is our guide through all life’s twists and turns.
VBS Grants
We are making $250 grants available to cooperating churches that use LifeWay VBS materials to share the Gospel. Apply for a grant at: You can also contact if you have questions or need additional help. Please send us photos of your VBS so we can celebrate with you!
VBS Leader Training
Leader training makes VBS more impactful. According to a 20 year study by LifeWay, for every person who attends VBS leadership training, 1.1 people accept Jesus as Savior during VBS! Leader training this year will be provided by our partners in The State Convention of Baptists in Ohio.
State VBS Clinic – April 29th
Lakeside Community Church
33701 Jefferson Ave
Saint Clair Shores MI 48082
The doors will open at 9:00am.
Training starts at 10:00 and ends at noon.
Refreshments will be served (no lunch).
Register at or visit The cost is $10 per person. Everyone in attendance will receive a Leader Guide for their core session.
Bring your A-game and come with us as we show you how to engage students in "Twists & Turns" - VBS 2023! The VBS Clinic is a super-engaging experience with classes designed to teach VBS directors, teachers, volunteers, and pastors - everything you need to host an amazing VBS at your church. Come and see that trusting Jesus changes the game entirely!
Core Session Training Options
Preschool (Birth - Kindergarten) includes preschool rotations
Children (Grades 1-4)
Students (Grades 5-12)
Children & Student Rotations - Crafts, Music, Recreation, Snacks, & Missions
Pastors & Directors
About Twist and Turns
“Spin the spinner, beat the clock, skip ahead, level up, and play to win! You’ll need to bring your A-game for this VBS. Twists & Turns is a fantastical celebration of games of all kinds. From classic tabletop games to video games and more, kids will play their way through VBS while learning that Jesus guides them through all the twists and turns of their lives. They’ll find that even when they mess up it’s never “game over” (
Sounds fun - but it’s the kind that teaches deep spiritual truths that last a lifetime. VBS makes a difference in the lives of all who participate. It’s good for the students, teachers, and volunteers. We want to jumpstart VBS in churches all over the state. Why? “If you total it up, VBS results in 15 hours of intense discipleship, the gospel being shared daily, and 7 months of ministry in 1 week.”
Mike Durbin is the State Evangelism Director for the Baptist State Convention of Michigan. Before joining the state convention staff, Mike served as Church Planting Catalyst and Director of Missions in Metro Detroit since 2007. He also has served as a pastor and bi-vocational pastor in Michigan, as well as International Missionary to Brazil.