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Unique school paths

Baptist Beacon

by Becky Ferraro

GARDEN CITY, MI – I pulled up my calendar today to count how many days of summer vacation we have left, and could not believe that it is almost over. As we enter another school year, our children can have many different emotions; excitement, fear, happiness, loneliness, and nervousness are just a few. These feelings are very real to our children.

The Ferraro family

This is a fantastic time to disciple them, and point them to their Creator. During the weeks leading up to the first day of school, talk to your children about what things they are excited about, and what they are nervous about. Pray with them about these things, guide them to Scriptures that teach God’s truths in the situations they will be facing, and write them down on note cards.

As fears arise and triumphs come during the school year pull out the cards, and write out the testimony of what has happened. This is a wonderful way to help your kids lean on their Heavenly Father’s promises to them and reflect on how God has answered their prayers.

Many of us are on different educational paths with our children. As parents, we can be tempted to think that one way is better than another. As Christian parents, our job is to lead, disciple, teach, and love these children given to us to raise. Just as our children are all unique, our educational paths will also be unique.

Do not let Satan divide us on which educational path we feel is the best. I want to encourage you as parents to always take several weeks to pray about which educational path is best for your children (public school, private school, or homeschooling). During the school year pray for all the families in your social circles and encourage each other.

May you lean on God’s wisdom and protection this next school year. I pray that you enjoy these incredibly special years of raising children for His glory. As your children enter this new school year, look at it with anticipation to the amazing things God will be doing in their hearts and enjoy being blessed with a front row seat as you watch what God has planned for them.

“Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that lay before Him endured the cross and despised the shame and has sat down at the right hand of God’s throne.” -- Hebrews 12:1-2



Becky Ferraro is the wife of Pastor David Ferraro. She is the mother of 7 children and has been homeschooling for the past 13 years. In her free time, she coaches baseball, substitutes in the public school, serves on the leadership board of Homeschool Academy, Wayne, MI and is the Preschool Director at Merriman Road Baptist Church, Garden City, MI.


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