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Baptist Beacon

Under construction

I think, actually, I hope as I look at the coming forecast with 80-degree weather, summer has finally arrived here at Bambi Lake.  It’s refreshing to hear the sound of children, teenagers and adults splashing in the lake, screaming as they fly down the Bambi Booyah water slide, or just enjoying the many activities available here at the camp.  The snow is gone and the grass is growing fast! Projects put on hold during the long winter have resumed as well as new projects beginning.

(Photo by Greyson Joralemon on Unsplash)

This reality is actually the subject of my thoughts as I write this article.  It seems as if we are always UNDER CONSTRUCTION here at Bambi Lake. There is always maintenance to be done or projects to be started or completed. Every day seems to bring with it the promise of new opportunities to repair or build. Feeling overwhelmed and frustrated at the seemingly endless projects can be a battle.Fortunately, we have a great staff who can prioritize and accomplish the tasks at hand.

So, let me ask you a question - “Have you ever experienced this in your own life?” Have you ever felt as if you were constantly UNDER CONSTRUCTION? I have felt this way and still do every day that I’m breathing six feet above the ground. The good news is that we should feel this way if we are following Christ in our life journey.

In his letter of encouragement to the believers at Philippi, Paul put it this way - “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus” Philippians 1:6.

This truth should bring us great joy and encouragement each day we are alive. God is constantly shaping and molding us to be more like Him! This means we are in His process, and He loves us too much to leave us the way we are.  God is continually allowing situations in our life to strengthen our character, and remind us of our need to totally depend upon Him. Growing and maturing spiritually requires constant maintenance and attention. And just like here at Bambi, sometimes deconstruction has to happen before reconstruction can begin. Out with the old and in with the new is typically the only solution. This is especially true in our lives. God has to take out the old habits, faulty attitudes, toxic sinfulness, and build something completely brand new and beautiful.

Just as being UNDER CONSTRUCTION is making Bambi a better and stronger camp, Christ is also transforming us more and more into His image through his construction on us. It may seem endless in the moment, but Christ has promised to complete us so we are perfected for His return. As for Bambi, I know God’s hand is on this camp and He is shaping and molding us to have a greater and greater impact on this world for His Kingdom.  So, for now, I’m happy to be UNDER CONSTRUCTION!



Mick Schatz serves on the staff of the Baptist State Convention of Michigan. He is the State Director of Spiritual Enrichment and Retreats and lives at Bambi Lake.


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