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Baptist Beacon

Spiritual and physical growth

by Sharon Gilbert

FRANKFORT, MI – Things are happening at Crystal Lake Church in Frankfort, Michigan! This church has had many ups and downs, mountains and valleys, growth, and decline, but after 28 years as the Pastor at this amazing tiny church, we’ve been blessed even through the low times. God is faithful.

The Anderson Family

Around the beginning of the year, through a generous donor, we were able to hire Sarah Anderson as Director of Community Development and Youth, with the prayer that we can better reach young families. We also were able to finish the construction of our church which has been on hold for years.

Even through COVID, we were seeing people being used to reach others for the Kingdom of God. Our Outreach Director developed the Facebook Page, M22 Fellowship, which is used primarily to reach community members who need a friend, who are lonely or have some kind of need.

Through this platform, we met Robin who had brain surgery in February. She was struggling at the time, but now she is our biggest missionary. Robin loves the Lord, shares about His love and forgiveness to everyone she meets. Recently, we had a bonfire event to use for outreach. 33 people attended including 5 non-church families. We are praying for these new families, getting to know them, and hope to love them to faith in Christ.

There are spiritual and physical changes happening at our church. We have hired an architect, and now we are ready to move to the next stage of construction.



Sharon Gilbert has partnered in ministry with her husband Roger Gilbert, who has been the pastor of Crystal Lake Church Frankfort for 28 years. They have 2 grown children and 4 grandchildren, who all know and love the Lord, and serve Him. Crystal Lake Southern Baptist Church, or known as Crystal Lake Church, is associated with the Northwest Baptist Association and the Baptist State Convention of Michigan.


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