by Scott Barkley
DULUTH, GA – The upcoming SPARK Conference will feature several breakout sessions as well as the keynote addresses translated or led in Spanish.
“This will help mobilize Hispanics to accomplish the Great Commission,” said David Cardoza, Hispanic representative of Pastor Wellness in the Central Regions. “It will teach them how to build effective teams for leadership and discipleship.”
Otto Sanchez, a pastor in the Dominican Republic, author, and speaker, will lead the breakout sessions on building leadership teams as well as discipleship programs in the church. “He has written several books on discipleship and been a connection for Georgia Baptists for a while,” added Cardoza.
International Mission Board Church Mobilization strategist Oscar Tortolero will lead sessions directing Hispanics toward opportunities for international missions.
“These sessions will help Hispanics be ready to go and share the gospel with others,” Cardoza stated.
Other breakout sessions to be translated into Spanish include:
How to Disciple Your Family
The Acts 1:8 Missions Portfolio
Preschool Kids Ministry Safety and Security Equipping Parents for Family Ministry
Sunday School that Really Works
Creating a Healthy Worship Culture.
The keynote addresses by IMB President Paul Chitwood, Decatur pastor Tyrone Barnette, and Tennessee pastor Robby Gallaty will also be translated into Spanish.
The SPARK Conference will feature more than 50 breakout session leaders in addition to the keynote addresses. Live Q&A sessions will take place with Chitwood, Barnette, and Gallaty on Aug 28, the day materials are released for those who pre- registered. As of 10 a.m. July 21, there were 511 registrants for SPARK. With 57 host sites plus individuals logging in for the digital experience, the expected viewership for SPARK would exceed 3,000 as of today’s numbers.
Scott Barkley serves as editor of The Christian Index.