MONROE – The ultrasound technician had just told me and my husband that they heard two heartbeats. Twins! We were so excited. Fast forward 9 months later, we now have twin newborns, a 3-year-old, and an almost 2-year-old.

I remember the feeling of inadequacy. I did not know how I was going to do this. I constantly had people telling me how blessed I was to have so many children and how I should be so thankful, and I was and still am. I remember feeling overwhelmed trying to get them ready to go to church, only to realize that by the time I got to church, I was so worn out that I just wanted to cry. Then I would remember that I also needed to feed the boys and not be able to sit in the service, or I’d get a message from a nursery worker to say that another one of my children needed my help.
This phase of motherhood can be so overwhelming and lonely, despite never actually being alone. You are at church hoping to learn something from God’s Word that you can take with you during the week only to be called out of service to feed or care for one of your children. Don’t get me wrong, I love my children and love being their mom, but I was also constantly being told that I needed to make time for God and His Word; that church was important, but that I also needed to make sure that I was in the service and doing all the “right things.”
I struggled with this because I didn’t have time to be in the service long enough to feel like I was a part of it, and I also often struggled with being in the Word throughout the week while caring for my children. I would see pictures on social media of moms reading their Bibles with their children and start crying, wondering what was wrong with me. I couldn’t seem to do what others were doing.
It was during this time in my life that I believe God softened my heart for a ministry of the church that I feel is often overlooked- the ministry of serving young moms in our churches. These are women who are often not getting enough sleep, adult conversations, or time in the Word (at home or in church). This is one of the times when we need the Lord the most and often miss out. We are pouring out, but not being poured back into.
The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:11 that we are to “encourage one another and build one another up.” I would like to share with you some ways that you could be an encouragement to young mothers in your church.
1. Text them a Bible verse and a short prayer.
Taking the time to send a specific verse and a short prayer to a mother may be just the encouragement she needs during the day.
2. Offer to go for a walk with them.
You could use this time while they are pushing their stroller to go for a walk and talk and pray together.
3. Plan a time when you could host a Bible study.
One of my former churches offered a time, once a week, for moms to come together to study the Bible and pray. This was one hour a week. Some of the older or retired ladies in the church would watch our children during this time.

Cindi Click is a pastor’s wife and mom to four young children. Unable to do anything half-hearted, she can be found caring for her children, serving with the worship team, leading the children’s ministry, engaging at her children’s school, or finishing projects for her Master of Science in Elementary Education from Concordia University. With plans to step back into elementary education full-time this fall, Cindi has a heart for helping moms and their children grow in their love for Jesus. Cindi has been married to her husband, Nate, for ten years and they serve together at Heritage Baptist Church in Monroe where Nate is the pastor.