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Baptist Beacon

Send Detroit update - January 2021

See what God has done in 2020 and how the new year in Detroit is getting started by His grace!

What is Send Detroit?

Send Detroit is church planting strategy that covers a region of 4.7 million in population and 5 counties (including Essex county across the Detroit River in Canada). Detroit is known as the Motor City by the world and continues to be a major influence in the automotive industry. Since 2013, we have seen God work in the planting of 39 new churches. We have continued to see God answer the prayer of Luke 10:2 to send out laborers into his harvest as He raises up leaders to answer His call. It is encouraging to recognize that 90% of these leaders are indigenous to Detroit. Click here to learn more.


Commonwealth of Faith - "Rooted in Redford"

The Commonwealth of Faith Church in Redford, Michigan has been a consistent model of compassion and care as they have ministered to their community throughout the pandemic. Pastor Torion Bridges leads the church who prepares up to 300 hot meals weekly and giving away thousands of pounds of produce, dairy products, meat and other groceries. Cars lined up each week from June through December. This new church was also able to host a free fair for the community and be a community site for drive-up COVID-19 testing. The church is engaging more servant-leaders and standing as a beacon of Christ’s love in Redford.


Sending from within

We continue to see new church planters answering the call and being equipped and sent into the harvest. In November, Ryan Cabildo was assessed and approved as a church planter apprentice out of Mile City Church (Plymouth, MI) with the aim of planting Lanterns Church in Wayne, MI. Though Mile City Church has launched 4 other church plants out of their new church, Ryan is the first planter who came to faith and has been discipled from the ministry of the church. Pray for Ryan in his journey!


Send Network Orientation

Also in November, the Baptist State Convention of Michigan hosted a watch-party style Send Network Orientation for Michigan and Ohio church planters. Included in that group were David Clark, Malcolm Griswold, Jon Hackett and Maki Umakoshi from the Send Detroit Network.


Christmas care for church planters

Over the Christmas holiday, we were able to care for church planting families by sending packages with Send Detroit hats, coffee mugs and coffee gift cards. As you see their smiling faces, select the link on their pictures and pray for these men, their families and their churches.


Gathering struggles

Pray also for many church plants in Send Detroit who continue to struggle to find places to meet in doors and in-person. Most of our schools and community centers have been closed due to locally mandated COVID-19 regulations. Among the affected are Treasuring Christ Church (Ann Arbor), Rhiza Church (Ann Arbor), The City Church (Ypsilanti), Transformation Church (Waterford), Life-Giver Church (Windsor).


Trails Church launch - Sunday, Jan 10

Pray also for the Trails Community Church (Farmington Hills, MI) led by Phillip Box, who held online public launch of services on January 10. Phillip and his wife Kat prayerfully planned this launch along with team members that came with them out of their sending church, Mile City Church.


Send Network Gathering

Mile City Church, Plymouth, MI

March 17, 2021

Join us for the Send Network Gathering that will encourage, inspire and equip you and your team to run into the harvest so together we can plant churches everywhere for everyone. We will have our own local church planters and pastors sharing with us!


9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Check-in and Fellowship

10:00 - 11:15 a.m. Main Session #1

11:15 - 12:30 p.m. Lunch and Hangout

12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Breakout #1

1:45 - 2:45 p.m. Breakout #2

3:00 - 4:15 p.m. Main Session #2

4:15 - 5:00 p.m. Wrap-Up



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