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Baptist Beacon

Review & refresh: Women’s Ministry update

by Mickey Gross

Harvest Retreat speaker, Casey Merrifield

GARDEN CITY, MI – In October, one-hundred fifty women gathered to participate in the ‘Love God, Love Others’ Harvest Retreat at Bambi Lake Conference Center in Roscommon. After two years of separation, it was a delightful blessing to reconnect with new and old friends. I personally made a few new friends and saw God work by bringing darkness into light, drawing people deeper into their relationship with Him. God was amazingly generous to us as we gathered to receive the Word, worship in song, eat delicious food, shop, craft, rest, visit, and learn alongside one another. Our speaker, Casey Merrifield, focused our attention on how God works in and through us, encouraging us to love Him and others in our daily lives through ordinary means.

Last fall, the BSCM Women’s Ministry leadership took some time to clarify how our particular ministry could work to better serve not only the church at large, but specifically the women of the Southern Baptist Churches of Michigan. As a result, we developed a Mission Statement. This statement helps us discern which events and resources are in the best interest of the women we serve and which will be given top priority.

As a result of that concentrated effort, we refreshed the website for clarity and communication so that ministry leaders and church members alike are able to navigate the events and resources the BSCM Women’s Ministry has to offer. This will be a helpful tool as we seek to meet the needs of women in our changing culture.

Women’s Ministry Mission Statement

We resolve that our mission is to strengthen the women of BSCM by encouraging, equipping, and engaging them in order to live intentional lives to the glory of God.

What We Do

We resolve to accomplish our mission by providing resources and events designed to bring the women of BSCM together in a variety of settings, age groups, and content, in order to teach, minister, and build community.​

How We Do It

We resolve to encourage women by coming alongside them to assist connection and build relationships. We resolve to equip women by providing resources and event opportunities. We resolve to engage women by offering ways to plug into ministry and become involved.

In addition to clarifying our website and making it easier to navigate, we developed a logo with a bridge & water (Michigan), a cross (symbolic of our faith), and the words “engage, equip, encourage” (the focus of the ministry). And we streamlined the color scheme to match the BSCM website.

Each tab will clearly direct you to information about each Women’s Ministry Events (complete with links for registration), the Ministry Center, WMU and Mission Offerings. Our highest hope is that you find this refresh easy to use and helpful in planning your 2022 Women’s Ministry calendar in your own church.

If you have any questions about the Women's Ministry, you can connect with Sue Hodnett, Women’s Ministry Director for the Baptist State Convention of Michigan. You can find her information on the improved site here:



Mickey Gross lives in Garden City, MI and is a member of Resurrection Church in Lincoln Park. She has devoted years in church leadership as a children's ministry director, praise team member, pianist, facilities coordinator, and event planner. Mickey loves camp ministry and has had the privilege of spending time at camp as a camper, serving as a volunteer, and operating on the leadership team for Harvest Retreat.


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