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Re-Envision: The 2019 State Mission Offering

PLYMOUTH, MI – Michigan Baptist churches are starting to promote the Frances Brown State Mission Offering which is happening September 8-15. The goal for this year’s offering is $100,000. The mission offering is taken every year to fund special mission projects in the areas of starting, strengthening, and sending churches in the state of Michigan.

This year’s theme for the offering is “Re-Envision”. Tim Patterson, Executive-Director of the Baptist State Convention of Michigan (BSCM), explains,”When we talk about re-envision, we’re not talking about something new. The vision that God has given has not changed. That vision is to reach Michigan for the gospel.”

There are five areas of focus where the offering will be used this year; starting, strengthening, women’s ministry, disaster relief and the Bambi Lake Conference Center. Women’s ministry and disaster relief play a big role in helping to send Michigan Baptist churches on mission both in the state and around the world. The Bambi Lake Conference Center supports all three areas of starting, strengthening, and sending by giving church pastors, leaders and lay people a place to train and recharge.

The BSCM is providing a wealth of resources to help Michigan churches promote the special offering. Churches can find posters, flyers, and bulletin inserts to share with their members the areas of need, and how they can support the offering. The state convention is also providing three videos for download. Two of the videos tell the stories of Michigan churches who had gone into decline, but then made a comeback. The third video is an overview of the offering explaining the (Re-Envision” theme and the areas of impact. Finally, there is a podcast story sharing the ups and downs of a Michigan church over 50 years of its life. The podcast is an excellent story to share by social media.

Go to to order free posters, prayer guides, and offering envelopes to promote the offering in your church. There are also additional information and free downloadable for resources such as flyers, bulletin inserts, videos, and audio podcasts.


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