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Baptist Beacon

Re | Envision God’s Desire

PLYMOUTH, MI – This September we commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Frances Brown State Mission Offering. In November of 1978 the Executive Board of the Baptist State Convention of Michigan (BSCM) voted to name the state missions offering after Frances E. Brown in honor of her twenty years of service to Michigan Baptists.

The “Michigan Baptist Advocate” dated November 12, 1978 summarized the service of Frances Brown. “Miss Frances Brown visited in associations and churches giving encouragement and challenges to reach out and touch the lives of people here in Michigan and around the world. Her determination to speak out for missions, her love of everyone and her commitment to work faithfully in missions is an inspiration to us all. Missions was Frances’ heartbeat.”

Each Fall, Michigan Baptists celebrate the work of missions in our state when we give to the state mission offering. The giving has grown from $28,518 in 1979 (the first offering) to almost 105,000 in 2006. The offering has only exceeded the $100,000 goal two times in its history. We are praying that in 2019, the 40th Anniversary of the offering, we will see our goal reached and exceeded.

September 8-15 is our week of emphasis for this special offering and prayer for Michigan missions. The goal for this year’s offering is $100,000. This year’s offering theme is “Re-Envision, God’s Desire”. 100% of the offering goes to fund special mission project around our state in the area of Strengthening & Starting Churches, Disaster Relief, Women’s Ministry/WMU, and Bambi Lake Camp.

Will you join us in prayer and in giving as we seek to reach the lost in Michigan for Christ through special mission projects?

The BSCM is providing a wealth of resources to help Michigan churches promote the special offering. Churches can find posters, flyers, and bulletin inserts to share with their members the areas of need, and how they can support the offering. The state convention is also providing three videos for download. Two of the videos tell the stories of Michigan churches who had gone into decline, but then made a comeback. The third video is an overview of the offering explaining the "Re | Envision” theme and the areas of impact. Finally, there is a podcast story sharing the ups and downs of a Michigan church over 50 years of its life. The podcast is an excellent story to share by social media.

Go to to order free posters, prayer guides, and offering envelopes to promote the offering in your church. There are also additional information and free downloadable for resources such as flyers, bulletin inserts, videos, and audio podcasts.

Thank you, Michigan Baptist, for your support over the years and for what you will give this year to accomplish God’s Mission here in our great churches across our state.

In closing, Miss Frances’ favorite verse, “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Phil 1:3-6



Sue Hodnett serves as women’s ministry leader for the BSCM as well as WMU Michigan Executive Director. She has dedicated her life to ministering to women in Michigan.



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