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Matt Thompson

New Year prayer

GRANDVILLE – Lord, I recognize that some are reading this and are discouraged, would You encourage their heart today. Some are reading this and are not sure they can go another Sunday; would You strengthen their heart today. Some are feeling overwhelmed by a decision or with a person. Would You give them wisdom today? Some are wrestling internally; would You give them peace and rest today. And Lord, others are reading this and simply enjoying a sweet season of ministry, would You give them continued fruit in the days ahead.

Lord, wherever we are at, on the mountain top or in the valley, excited or exhausted, we know this: that we all, like the Psalmist in Psalm 40, are “poor and needy.” We know that without You we are nothing and apart from you we cannot do anything.

Father, we know that this work that You have called us to (yes, you have called us to it!) is beyond us, but it is not beyond You, because You are the One who promises to build Your church and sustain Your church. It’s Your Son who is the foundation of the church, the focus of the church, and the Savior of the Church! Not us. So, Father, would our churches across Michigan be all about Jesus, the Greatest One who has done the greatest thing!

Father, we have seen You do some incredible things over these past few years. And we want to ask, collectively and humbly, would you do it again! Would you do even more! Lord, millions of people in Michigan still need you. So would You use us here in Michigan to help birth a massive Gospel movement that eternally impacts millions; I pray, one that the history books could not ignore. Not so that our name could be attached to it, but so that Your Kingdom would be advanced through itthat the spiritual landscape in Michigan would be changed, that the lost would be saved, that those running would return, that your disciples would be equipped, that more leaders would be raised up, that more servants would be sent out, and that more churches would be planted, mobilized, and multiplied! Father, we are asking You to advance a Gospel movement in and throughout Michigan, for your glory!

And so today, would You encourage our hearts, would You fuel the mission, and refuel each Michigan leader, and through it all would You “accelerate Gospel movement”.

So together we pray Ephesians 3:20-21, “Now to You who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to You be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”



Matt Thompson is a Church Planting Catalyst with the Send Network and one of the founding pastors at Redemption Church in Grandville, Michigan. Matt has been married to his wife Bethany for 16 years and they have three boys: Caden, Brennen and Aaron.


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