by Cindy Truesdale

ROSCOMMON, MI – After a year of hard work and prayers,Michigan Campers on Mission (MI COM) was officially organized. It was a busy three months. Organizers held meetings at Bambi Lake Baptist Camp to discuss the constitution and bylaws, and to vote for an Executive Board. On July 31st, a ceremonial event was held to commemorate the milestone. National COM Coordinators, Jerry and Renee McGovern, came from Florida; Region 4 COM Representatives, Don and Janice Kragness, came from Illinois; and BSCM Pastor Tim Patterson was there to offer support and give the charge. There are currently 32 members of MI COM, and continued growth is expected as people begin to hear about the organization and its mission.

During the month of August, a request from Pastor Stan Parker was accepted to help Faith Fellowship Baptist Church in Lansing with a housing project for the needy in the community. MI COM also donated to their food pantry and back to school party. The project is not completed, and will continue to work with Pastor Parker.
MI COM went back to Bambi Lake Baptist Camp in September to do construction work on a cabin. They worked on drywall spackling, building wooden walls and doors, and replacing outside stairs. Ladies set up a sewing room, and have made more than 70 cloth bags to donate. A bag will be given to foster children to carry their clothing and personal items rather than the usual black trash bag.
God is blessing and touching lives through the organization already. MI COM is on the move to evangelize, assist churches and camps, and many other ways to minister throughout Michigan. Special thanks is being given to Heritage Baptist Church of Grand Blanc, and Pastor Chip Collins for faithful support, prayers and involvement in going forward “Sharing Christ as We Go.”
If you would like to join or keep up with what MI COM is doing, go to the website at or Facebook Michigan Campers on Mission.

Rick and Cindy Truesdail have been married for 27 years. Together they have 5 children and 14 grandchildren. During their early years together, they worked as leaders of a Single Adult Ministry. Rick is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a licensed SBC minister. He served as Associate Pastor with a Spanish-speaking church in Flint for 10 years and Cindy served as the Pastoral Assistant. They are currently active members at Heritage Baptist Church, Grand Blanc, and are eager to work with Campers on Mission in their retirement.