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  • Baptist Beacon

Michigan WMU 62nd annual meeting

In our 62 years as the Woman’s Missionary Union of the Baptist State Convention of Michigan, we have met yearly to elect our officers for their new terms of service. This year’s meeting was unique and a first in our history. We met via zoom conference calling. We gathered online to encourage and pray for one another.

We want to thank Sharon Greer, (Orchard Church) who has served as our state WMU president for 5 terms (2015-2020). Sharon you are appreciated for your leadership and dedication to our team as you encouraged a love for missions, missionaries and mission’s discipleship around our state and in our great churches.

Odelle Cadwell

Congratulations to Odelle Cadwell, (Temple of Faith Church) who was elected unanimously as our new state WMU president beginning her first term (2020-2021). We look forward to your leadership and guidance as you move us forward into the future.

Thank you and congratulations to Elaine Hill, (Warren Woods Baptist Church) elected unanimously to serve an additional term as our Recording Secretary (2018-2020).

We are grateful for our officers serving in their respected associations, we appreciate the hands-on leadership, encouragement and distribution of recourses to our churches.

Vice President / Bay Area: Helen Henley

Vice President / Greater Detroit: Odelle Cadwell

Vice President / Motor Cities Metro: Elaine Hill

Vice President / Northwest: Denise Smiley

Vice President / Pines: Angela Kucharczyk

Vice President / Southwest: Lisa Weimer

Now more then ever, Michigan WMU will continue to do what our organization was originally created to do:

  • Pray for our Missionaries and Pastors & Families (encouragement by contact)

  • Encourage Missional Giving & Support (tithe to the local church)

  • Support women in leadership (coaching & mentoring)

“Congratulations on your faithful history and with anticipation, I look forward to the epic achievements you will accomplish in the future.” Dr. Tony Lynn, BSCM State Director of Missions

Our Hope is in Our Heavenly Father,

Susan Hodnett

State Director of Women's Ministries

Executive Director of Michigan WMU



Sue Hodnett serves as women’s ministry leader for the BSCM as well as WMU Michigan Executive Director. She has dedicated her life to ministering to women in Michigan.


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