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Michigan reaching the world

Baptist Beacon

WHAT is this offering used for?

Since 1845 the International Mission Board (IMB) has been partnering with local churches in equipping and sending missionaries to the world. 100% of your Lottie Moon offering sends and keeps 3,417 missionaries on the field (as of September 1, 2019), providing 60%+ of their support, with your Cooperative program gifts covering the rest. In 2018, 847 people groups were being engaged worldwide. Our personnel are actively involved in evangelism, church planting, humanitarian care, medical missions and in theological education. They are equipping nationals to reach their own people and partnering with other Great Commission Christians with the end goal stated in the following verse:

“There was a vast multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language which no one could number, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” – Revelation 7:9

WHY should we give?

As we cooperate together to send missionaries, we can do more! Each church in Michigan, regardless of size, can send missionaries! We may be small, but we are MIGHTY when we work together to advance the Gospel to the nations through our PRAYING, our GIVING, our SENDING and our GOING! Michigan Baptists are on the international field as a result of Lottie Moon gifts. MORE members of Michigan churches are preparing to go in 2020. We want Michigan to be well represented in the praying, the going, the sending and in the giving.

HOW will your church give to the LMCO this year? What will YOU do personally?

I was saddened to learn that more than ½ of Southern Baptist Churches did not give to the Lottie Moon Christmas offering last year. I don’t know what the Michigan statistic was for 2018, but I do know what I pray for this year: That EVERY Michigan church will give to the offering and pray for the featured missionaries, making our statement that we want to participate in this ONE SACRED EFFORT to live out the Great Commission. We are raising our goal this year at my church. I am raising my personal giving level. What will you do?

One final question, for anyone who doesn’t yet know: WHO is Lottie?

The short story is this: “Well over 100 years ago, a single missionary named Lottie Moon, while serving in China, began writing letters challenging the American church to send and support more workers to go there. After her death on the field, her challenge was heeded in the formalization of an offering in her name. Even if you’re not a Southern Baptist who has given to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, her life is a reminder of why we must give to send and support missionaries serving among unreached peoples in unreached places.”

You can find more of Lottie’s story at:

Free promotional materials for Michigan churches:

Can we help you with your Lottie Moon Offering Emphasis?

Contact me, Karen Villalpando at or reach out to Sue Hodnett at

I am your Michigan Trustee to the International Mission Board, and I am excited to give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering! Will you partner with us?



Karen Villalpando is a Michigan Baptist, an IMB Trustee and the director of Child Care at Memorial Baptist church in Sterling Heights, MI.



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© 2024 Baptist Beacon, Baptist State Convention of Michigan

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