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Michigan Campers on Mission - March 2022 update

Baptist Beacon

by Rick and Cindy Truesdail

Hello, MI COMers!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Truly we are praising Him for His everlasting goodness, love, and grace. He has seen us through some tough times these past few months and gives us victory to overcome! Cindy is doing quite a bit better, and we are getting ready to join the COMers from other states at The Great Passion Play the end of March. We covet your prayers for continued healing and also as we travel. Hopefully some of you can meet us there! It’s a fabulous place to work and meet Christian missionaries such as yourself.

We are getting several plans into place for the summer, so look for more information in the upcoming newsletters. We know each one travels and works at their own pace and schedule, but hopefully you will be excited to participate as much as you can. As presidents of MI COM, we continue to see God first as we plan and allow His guidance in all that we do. We pray for you too as you seek His will for your missionary journeys. We know He has great plans for COM as a national unity of volunteer missionaries serving the Lord. It’s wonderful to be able to travel and join in other state projects. We are so proud of MI COMers who are working in several states. God bless you all!

Sharing Christ as We Go,

Rick and Cindy


9th Annual Work Week at The Great Passion Play

Maarch 28 – April 2, 2022

Monday – Saturday

The Great Passion Play

935 Passion Play Rd.

Eureka Springs, AR

To register and reserve your spot, call the National COM Coordinator (479) 253-5879 or email:

Projects include painting, woodworking, electrical, plumbing, set decorating, planting, grounds cleanup, power washing, sewing (costumes, masks for cast), cleaning, etc. Bring your favorite tools with you.

Lunch will be provided. Bring crackers, cookies, fruits, etc. for our snack table.


Bambi Work Week & Spring Rally 2022

May 9-14, 2022

Monday noon – Saturday AM

Bambi Lake Baptist Retreat & Conference Center

Roscommon, MI

Mark your calendars NOW!

Set aside this week to come to and be a part of MI COM on mission. We have four work teams: Construction, Cleaning & Beautification, Sewing, and Kitchen. There is always a place for you! Contact Cindy to make your reservation for a campsite or room in the lodge.

We will have the MI COM Country Store set up, so bring something to put on the table if you can. Proceeds go to the treasury to pay for our non-profit/corporate expenses.


2022 COM National Rally

June 7-9, 2022

North Florida Fairgrounds

Tallahassee, FL

This will be the Golden 50th Anniversary of Campers on Mission. "Renew in 2022" will be the theme.

Mark your calendars, start saving your money for travel, and be ready to register when it's available. More information will follow as we get it over the next few months.


Article from our MI COM Member

Obeying the Call

by Helena Witherell

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. – Philippians 1:6

When I was 18 years old I felt the Lord’s call on my life to go into ministry full time. I felt the Lord was speaking right to me during a night of worship at a local church. One of the verses shared that night was Philippians 1:6 and it stuck with me through the night. Later that evening on my way home, I turned on the radio and again- that verse was spoken. The very next day, I opened up my Bible and somehow there was a bookmark right on that verse despite not purposely putting it there prior. I knew the Lord was putting this verse on my heart for a reason, and perhaps as a reminder for the future when things wouldn’t be easy, to rest in Him and find my peace in His purposes that He has already planned long ago for our lives.

I wish I could say from that moment on it was smooth sailing - but of course we are not promised it will always be easy. We are promised, however, that He will never leave us nor forsake us (Heb 13:5). He will always walk with us. His faithfulness to us is more than enough to carry us through! What a God we serve - One that cares to know our concerns and worries, dreams, and desires, and always leads us according to His will. Praise God!

Fast forward a little over 10 years past that initial call into ministry, and T.J. and I are now as a couple together doing ministry and serving the local church while living in our bus full time. We have had the privilege of meeting many wonderful people, specifically through Michigan Campers on Mission. We are honored to have found and be a part and are looking forward to meeting more of you and completing more projects alongside you this summer.

We would greatly appreciate your prayers for our ministry, our family, our business that we have in Owosso, and specifically for us as we explore some new opportunities this year to do ministry!

“...Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.” – Psalm 139:10


TJ & Helena Witherell

TJ is a minister; Helena is a talented singer who ministers through her song or leading a congregation in praise. They are fulltime RVers in a 43’ tour bus, from the Kalamazoo area. They seek opportunities to minister in churches around Michigan and share the Good News in word and song.

Their business is located in Owosso, which supports a part of their ministry costs.

Swift Windshield Repair is an auto glass company that specializes in repairs and replacements. They are certified by Dow/DuPont, using only OEM urethane and supplies, and are equipped to service any vehicle. If you or someone you know needs a windshield replaced, here’s how you can help support them on mission. Call for a free quote - (734) 892-4303 or visit


Chaplain's Corner

Pastor Chip Collins, Heritage Baptist Church, Grand Blanc, MI

I was reminded of something the other day: all truths we know are but insights, as the Lord simply allows us for a brief moment to see inside His Throne Room, where all knowledge dwells. Add to this the fact that He often allows others inside to see the same things, too. Yes, I was reminded of this the other day when an insight came to me suddenly during a Small Group meeting, which I shared.

Thinking I had read or heard that somewhere, another in the group immediately responded by saying that they too had read or heard that somewhere as well. Hmm ... it would appear I was not the only one allowed in the Throne Room for that insight! Thanks for humbling me, Lord!

Isn't our loving Lord absolutely wonderful for allowing any and all of His children so willingly and graciously into His Throne Room so that they might glean from the endless treasures of truth and knowledge there? May we all go there often for blessed treasure hunting ...

To the Praise of His Glory,

Chaplain Chip


MI COM Tees & Hats

For Sale

We have fun things and essentials for you to let others know you are a MI COMer!!!

We encourage you to wear the tees whenever you are working or on a COM event.

  • Tees are printed on the front and the back

  • Patches are iron-on or easy to sew onto your shirts or jackets

  • Key Chains are plastic on metal holder

  • Hand-held fan is paper on wooden handle

  • Hats are gray with embroidered logo, adjustable

  • Lapel Pins are easily attached to a suit jacket or coat.

  • Stickers to put on notebooks, computers, etc.

  • Pens to accent your writing

Contact Cindy for your purchase.


MI COM Officers & Executive Board

Presidents/Project Coordinator: Rick & Cindy Truesdail

Vice-President/Project: Tony Morningstar

Hospitality/Food Coordinator: Kim Norrington & Maria Hannuksela

Sewing Project Coordinator: Cindy Truesdail & Terry Simmons Cleaning & Beautification Coordinator: Sharon Hessling & Ruth Farwell

Secretary: Brandi Dyke Treasurer: Gary Hannuksela Chaplain: Pastor Chip Collins Historian: Cindy Truesdail

Disaster Relief Liaison: Warren Hessling


Networking Center


Keep checking at our online Website and Facebook for announcements!

Facebook: Michigan Campers on Mission

For more information, contact: Rick & Cindy Truesdail Phone: (810) 869-4716


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