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Michigan Campers on Mission busy at work

by Cindy Truesdail

Michigan Campers on Mission (MI COM) is busy! Praise the Lord! We are continuing work on the Faith Fellowship Housing Project in Lansing. It has been cold and even drafty in the house, but insulation is getting put in now and things are moving along. It will be a joyous day when we see the deserving families move in and feel the comfort of a home.

Ladies gathered at Heritage Baptist Church in Grand Blanc for a sewing event and have made 26 fleece blankets, 18 hooded towels, and 20 bears to be donated to foster and refugee children in Michigan. Some are still making these items in their homes, desiring to minister to these children. What a blessed day we had together as we worked and fellowshipped together. MI COM focuses on mission projects in the State of Michigan. We are a fellowship of Christian campers who desire to use camping interests and skills in the furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus and to assist churches of similar faith in planning projects to improve and support camps and churches. Many mission opportunities are available for us to be a part of, such as: campground ministries; construction projects; maintenance and lawn work; sewing projects; helping small churches hold Vacation Bible School; minister to and supply help to individuals, and families in their times of need; provide needs for foster and refugee children; and much more.

Whether you are a tent camper, an RVer, or a trailer camper; a seasonal camper, a weekend camper, or a full-timer; a retired couple, young family or single individual; there is a role for you as a part of the COM family. A COM member does not have to have a camper, many projects we work with, such as Bambi Lake Baptist Retreat Center, offer rooms for the workers. We are praising God as we welcome new members to Michigan Campers on Mission. We have very few requirements for membership: that the person loves the Lord and is born again, that they want to be on mission for Him and wish to help. There is no fee to join and you are not asked to do what you are not able to do when on a work project. If you would like to become a member, to and sign up.



Rick and Cindy Truesdail have been married for 27 years. Together they have 5 children and 14 grandchildren. During their early years together, they worked as leaders of a Single Adult Ministry. Rick is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a licensed SBC minister. He served as Associate Pastor with a Spanish-speaking church in Flint for 10 years and Cindy served as the Pastoral Assistant. They are currently active members at Heritage Baptist Church, Grand Blanc, and are eager to work with Campers on Mission in their retirement.


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