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Michigan Campers on Mission - February 2021 update

Hello, Campers!

We have so many things to be thankful for in 2021! There are crimes happening every day, political unrest continues to rock our cities, and several areas of our lives are disrupted with COVID issues. However, we are reminded that God is still on the throne and in control. He knew ahead of time how these days would be and He promised He would be here for us. We encourage you to look on the bright side of life and keep your faith in Him. MI COM is determined to continue finding ways to evangelize and serve our churches and camps, all for the honor of our Lord. Our activities may be fewer than would be if the state was opened up more, but there is still plenty for us to do!

We encourage you to keep updated with our Facebook page and Website. These electronic communications keep you regularly informed and our costs down. We understand that some are not “computer savvy”, so let us know if we can help you access these sources. Also, you can post on Facebook to keep us updated on what you are doing for Campers on Mission. If you aren’t sure how to do that, tell us and we will post it for you. We are encouraged to see when you are on task and how God is blessing you as you share His message and your efforts to help others.

“Sharing Christ as we go!” God bless you, Rick and Cindy



Faith Fellowship Baptist Church Work Project

MI COM went to Lansing to work on the housing project with Pastor Stan Parker. This project is taking more time than Pastor Stan had thought, and yet progress is being made. You may recall they have a veteran and a single mother waiting to have a home once this is completed. Others volunteer to work on the home and was able to get the windows installed.

Rick and William, a friend of Faith Fellowship, worked in January. They were able to frame in a door and sidewall. Rick says in February the next step is building another window header and finish framing, Once building, plumbing and electrical inspections are completed and approved, insulation would be on the list.

COM attended Men’s Winter Retreat

A few MI COM members attended the SBC Men’s Winter Retreat at Bambi Lake Baptist Camp in January.

Bambi Lake Camp is beautiful all 4 seasons that Michigan offers. The winter is no exception. The men went sledding on the “Monster Hill”, enjoying good meals, and praising God together. The theme was “Grace Wins”, encouraging the men to have a better understanding of God’s grace. Grace works for us (salvation), works in us (spiritual growth), and works through us (reaching others). What a wonderful message for COMers!



Faith Fellowship Baptist Church Work Project Thursdays of each week, January 21-March 25th

MI COM is committing Thursday of each week, beginning January 21st , to working on the Faith Fellowship Baptist Church Housing Project in Lansing. The workday will be 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. The church ladies provide lunch at 1:00 and dinner at 5:00. The work team will head home by 6:00 pm. Friday will be the backup day if the weather is bad on Thursday. If you can go on Thursday to work, contact Rick Truesdail by noon the Wednesday before to schedule travel and meals.

Pastor Stan Parker is excited as MI COM plan to continue work on the housing project, which is an extension of their ministry in that neighborhood. MI COM and other volunteers want to see this duplex home finished and providing a warm, comfortable home for a veteran and single mom. God bless you as you join in the work to see this accomplished.

MI COM Ladies’ Sewing Event Saturday, February 20th, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm At Heritage Baptist Church, 5199 E. Hill Rd., Grand Blanc, MI 48439

Bring your sewing machine, cotton materials, threads, etc. If you can bring bath and hand towel sets that will be good. We will also have some supplies available. Our projects will be making the teddy bears, hooded towels, and non-sew throws for the foster and refugee children at Bethany Christian Services in Grand Rapids. Lunch provided.

Bambi Lake Baptist Camp Work Week and Spring Rally May 20-26th

Join us at Bambi Lake Baptist Camp, Roscommon, MI, Thursday, May 20, thru Wednesday, May 26, to work and get the camp ready to open for the summer and Memorial Day Weekend. Bambi provides MI COM members with campsite/lodge and meals. We will have a meeting and rally service Wednesday evening. If you wish to stay through the holiday weekend, just let us know when you make your reservation with us. You will be responsible on those days to pay for campsite/lodging and provide your own food.



The Great Passion Play, Eureka Springs, Arkansas April 5-9, 2021

All COM members are invited to volunteer at our 9th Annual National COM Work Week. Come for one week or more to work at this amazing place. All skills of every kind needed for construction, painting, repairs, planting trees, pothole repair, sewing, etc. To make your reservation, contact our National COM Coordinators, Jerry and Renee McGovern, at (479) 253-5879 or email Earliest reservations will get the top sites and hookups. Please DO NOT call The Great Passion Play directly, contact our National COM Coordinators. To learn more about The Great Passion Play, check their website:

COM National Rally 2021, Duquoin, Illinois June 8-11, 2021

Registration will be available online soon. Get signed up for the COM National Rally 2021 now! COM members bring their RV’s together, some stay in nearby hotels, and we all gather to share what COM is doing and get new ideas and motivation from each other. Here’s just a taste of what is offered at the COM National Rally:

Classes & Seminars can include topics such as: Basic Electrical Basic Plumbing, Drywalling: Hanging & Finishing, Fire Safety for RVs, RV Maintenance, Senior Heart Issues, Staying Connected Electronically on the go, Witnessing.

Entertainment such as a Christian Comedian and singers will be scheduled, as well as special Guest Speakers from various ministries such as missions, church planting, and camp directors.

Be sure to visit our National COM website for more information:



Pastor Chip Collins, Heritage Baptist Church, Grand Blanc, MI

What would you be without Jesus in your life? Who would you be apart from the grace and mercy of God that has been showed to you? How would you live this life without the Holy Spirit’s guidance and sanctifying work in your life? Why would you want to live even another minute without knowing and experiencing the love of God in your life?

If we would take just a few moments each day and think through these very personal questions, it would probably make a difference in the way we think and act as we go through the day.

I know what I was like over 46 years ago as a young 20 year old agnostic before receiving Christ into my life. I remember the emptiness and purposelessness and wretchedness I tried so hard to hide, or at least numb, by participating in the passing pleasures of sin. So, take a few minutes to thank the Lord and dedicate your life once again ...

To the Praise of His Glory,

Chaplain Chip




  • Keith McKnight – 2/3

  • Chip Collins – 2/15

  • Jeannie Peck – 2/20


  • Skip & Debra Maxson – 2/3



Prayer Request

  • Pray for our COM National Coordinators, Jerry and Renee McGovern. Jerry suffered another stroke the last week in January, and that has been quite serious since the prior stroke about 3 years ago. We praise God that this was mild and he is gaining strength back, able to speak, walk, etc. They have great responsibilities and need our continual prayers.

  • Pray for a Florida COM member we met when working at Lake Swan Camp, Don Shannon. His precious wife of 45 years, Connie, passed away. He is saddened but has the assurance she is with the Lord.

We have several missionaries on the road full time now:

  • Tim and Gayle Jones have been ministering in southern states for a few months now Jon and Brandi Dyke family headed south the end of January to begin their missionary journey

  • Jerry Pipher is at Bambi on mission for the winter instead of going south.

Praise God for these MI COM members who are willing to go out like this. Let’s keep them in our prayers.

Praise Report

Note from Renee McGovern 1/30/21 regarding Jerry's stroke:

  • God is good all the time!! Thank you all for the very needed prayers for Jerry. We made it home last night... God is in every detail working things out! He had a very good night of rest. Appetite is good. Doctor said everything should return to normal. He passed all the tests for physical therapy, speech therapy; Jerry showed off a little. lol ... God still has a plan for Jerry. We love and treasure each one of you.

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Philippians 4:6

“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

If you have a prayer request or a praise report, please share it with us and we will post it on the website and include it in our monthly newsletters.



For Sale

We have fun things and essentials for you to let others know you are a MI COMer!!!

We encourage you to wear the tees whenever you are working or on a COM event.

  • Patches are iron-on or easy to sew onto your shirts or jackets.

  • Lapel Pins are easily attached to a suit jacket or coat.

  • Pens and Stickers accent your writing and notebooks.

Contact Cindy for your purchase.



Presidents/Project Coordinator: Rick & Cindy Truesdail

Vice-President/Project: Tony Morningstar

Coordinator Chaplain: Pastor Chip Collins Hospitality/Food Coordinator: Kim Norrington

Sewing Project Coordinator: Suzie Collins Secretary: (Vacant) Treasurer: Gary Hannuksela Historian: (Vacant)

Hospitality/Food Assistant: Maria Hannuksela

Sewing Project Assistant: Janice McKnight



Tim and Gayle Jones are traveling to reach people for Christ. Tune into their Facebook for their 1002 Show at 10:00 am; “Praise on the Porch” evenings at 8:00 pm; Thursday Night Bible Study at 6:30 pm. You will be blessed by Gayle’s singing and Tim’s words from the Bible. Facebook: Chasing the Joneses

Cindy Truesdail enjoys machine embroidery. She like the challenge of sewing customized embroidery designs and your personalization is available on most items. Profits from sales goes to support them as they travel and work with MI COM. Facebook: Cindy’s Stitch Art

Sharon Hessling knows how to bake and uses her talent to support their mission journeys to Africa. Profits from the sale of her homemade pies, cookies, and bake goods go to their missionary fund. She offers fresh and delicious fruit pies made to order. Facebook: Sahara Pies Plus


Keep checking at our online Website and Facebook for announcements!

Facebook: Michigan Campers on Mission

For more information, contact: Rick & Cindy Truesdail Phone: (810) 869-4716


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