by Jamie Lynn
PLYMOUTH, MI – The Baptist State Convention of Michigan (BSCM) had its 2020 Annual Meeting this November. What is the Annual Meeting all about? Why even have one? Great questions.
This year we had about 80 people come from all over the state and another 30 were online watching LIVE. Many drove for hours to be together for this yearly meeting. This is the one day that Michigan Baptists come together from churches all over our state to celebrate how God is moving and working in Michigan.
There was a spirit of togetherness and strength that prevailed over the whole meeting. BSCM President Scott Blanchard led the first half of the meeting with grace and passion. We heard greetings and a heart-felt challenge from J. D. Greear, our Great Commission Baptists President. We had several business items to vote on that included the 2021 budget and a change in the wording of the BSCM Constitution and Bylaws. Tim Patterson, our BSCM Executive Director/Treasurer, shared that the convention was doing well with a few churches suffering financially while others were thriving and some even growing during this time. We’re thankful to have the Pandemic Pastor Relief Fund gathered through the Frances Brown State Mission Offering this year to help pastors struggling due to the pandemic.
A poignant time came when Tim Patterson shared that Michigan’s Cooperative Program giving to date for 2020 was remaining strong and even a bit higher than 2019. Also, Michigan is projecting high numbers of baptisms from our churches. God is still moving! Tim Patterson expressed his passion and heart while sharing the 5-year BSCM Vision, (
2021 – Every Church PRAYING
2022 – Every Church THRIVING
2023 – Every Church EQUIPPING
2024 – Every Church ENGAGING
2025 – Every Church CELEBRATING
The convention floor had a reverent hush as the attendees were grasping the vision laid before them. The powerful times of prayer sprinkled throughout the time together was overflowing with seeking God’s face. They asked God to help the families and churches especially that had lost loved ones to COVID-19.
New BSCM officers were chosen for the 2021 year:
President – Roy Henry, Faith Baptist Church Battle Creek
1st VP – Ed Emmerling, Westside Church Flushing
2nd VP – Roland Caldwell, Burnette Baptist Detroit
Recording Secretary – Jerome Taylor, Eastgate Baptist Church, Burton
Assistant Recording Secretary – Michele White, Middlebelt Baptist Church, Inkster
First Vice President, Roy Henry, led with faithful assurance the session as the State ministry leaders (MI Foundation, Bambi Lake State Camp, MI Disaster Relief, Women’s Ministry/WMU, MI Church Strengthening/Sending, and MI Church Starting) gave moving presentations of how God has moved in 2020 even during the difficult quarantine. We prayed and entreated God for the Michigan Church Planters and their families that have struggled during 2020 with their new church launch and with those who have lost their public meeting places (many were in schools and not allowed to meet there anymore).
There was a feeling of encouragement and togetherness among the pastors, church leaders, and attenders, even with masks and social distancing, as they exited the Annual Convention Meeting, and drove back to their city determined to continue being the church to their community who need to know Jesus as Savior and Lord. That’s why we have an Annual Meeting.
Jamie M. Lynn, I'm married to a God warrior, have 3 wonderful married children and 9 super grandkids. I love working at the BSCM office to help the churches in the Great Lakes area to thrive, serve God by drawing others to Him and to love their communities.