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Jesus changes everything

by Seth Springs

WATERFORD, MI – This may sound odd, but my favorite Easter memory has to be Easter of 2020. Because of COVID-19, we were not able to meet as we planned, in a public school with 70+ people. But our people found a way to celebrate the resurrection!

We gathered in homes for fellowship, worship, and the Word. Church members dropped off Easter baskets for our Transformation Church Kids. And we were able to spend the afternoon grilling out with neighbors who we love very much. Even in a pandemic, Jesus is alive and that changes everything.

Easter means EVERYTHING to us at Transformation! It’s a wonderful day of celebration as we reflect on the history-altering and life-changing good news of the resurrection. It’s also a great day to invite friends and family who don’t yet understand the hope we have in Jesus. I don’t believe there’s a time all year when our mission and message are clearer than on Easter Sunday.

Right now, I am stuck on Luke’s account of the resurrection and a conversation that follows. After Jesus is resurrected, he walks and talks with 2 disciples on their way to Emmaus, but for some supernatural reason, they don’t recognize Him.

Then, as it says in Luke 24:31-32, “their eyes were opened, and they recognized him… They said to each other, ‘Weren’t our hearts burning within us while he was talking with us on the road and explaining the Scriptures to us?’”

I love how the resurrected Jesus meets these 2 “discouraged” disciples right where they are, how He patiently explains the Scriptures, and how everything changes once their eyes are opened to the Good News of the Gospel!

In short, Easter is the reason we always say, “Jesus Changes Everything.”



Seth Springs started Transformation Church Waterford four years ago after moving from North Carolina. He and his wife, Taylor have been married for 9 years and have 3 crazy, beautiful children, Layla (6), “D” (3), and Lily Joy (3).


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