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Becky Swain

EL ROI – “The God who sees me”

WATERFORD – Psalm 139: 13-16 “For it was You who created my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise You because I have been remarkably and wondrously made. Your works are wondrous, and I know this full well. My bones were not hidden from You when I was made in secret, when I was formed in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in Your Book and planned before a single one of them began.”

It took most of my life for me to fully understand and accept just how true and lovely this Psalm is. I grew up in quite the opposite of a Christian home. Without going into detail, my siblings and I experienced years of many forms of abuse. The effects of this abuse would eventually claim the lives of both of my siblings. But God.....

I knew in my heart from an early age that there was more to life than what we were experiencing. As I look back, I can clearly see the times that God provided ways for me to hear about His grace, mercy and love. An aunt took me to church one time where I first heard the name of Jesus. A local church had a bus ministry and went door to door inviting people to come. God prompted my mom to allow me to go a few times, and I met people who cared about me.

When I was in 3rd grade, two retired missionaries named Sadie and Eleanor started an after-school Bible Club at my school, and I was allowed to attend. It was during those weeks that I learned how God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for my sin because of the great love He has for me. I heard how Jesus rose again on the third day, is now at the right hand of the Father in Heaven and will come again to take His children home. Sadie and Eleanor also helped me to understand that this free gift of salvation was for even me and that whenever I felt alone and scared, God was always there. After one of our meetings, I stayed and prayed to receive Christ as my Savior.

God’s Hand was on me then and He continued to guide my life toward Him. We moved to Kentucky at the end of my 6th grade year and for a few years, there weren’t any opportunities for me to grow in my faith. I continued to pray and read my little Gideon New Testament, but I knew there was so much more to learn!

When I graduated from High School, a series of events led me to Cumberland College, which (NOT by chance) is an SBC College. I was surrounded by Christians! I was able to attend church on a regular basis and was baptized. I also took some Bible classes and soaked in the Truth of Scriptures.

My professors, college staff, and new friends all contributed to my discipleship. God even allowed me to serve two summers as a summer missionary in the Appalachian Mountains teaching Vacation Bible Schools. During those summers I learned many of the Bible stories I had never heard before. I can honestly say that I became a different person during those years.

My journey has continued with many highs and lows, but the awe of knowing that God truly saw me during those early years and provided ways for me to see and know Him is nothing short of miraculous. He continues to bless, teach, and use me in ways I never expected. He has answered prayers time and time again in ways that have changed my life. He is my good, good Father and it is my honor and privilege to spend the rest of my days on this earth praising and serving Him.

Romans 8:28- “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” (In honor of ML)



Becky is a retired teacher who currently serves as the Children’s Ministry Director at Transformation Church in Waterford and as the Children’s Missions Consultant for MI WMU. Becky and her husband, Gary love to craft, travel, and spend time with both their biological and church families.


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