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Baptist Beacon

Easter is life…not death

by Phyllis Harbaugh

STERLING HEIGHTS, MI – Sitting in waiting rooms at a hospital is a difficult task that all of us will experience at some time in our life. The hardest is when death is close and we are waiting for a loved one to leave this world.

Saying good-bye to my grandmother was hard. In the waiting room my mind was reflecting on the years I had with her and the loss we would have without her. I cried. My heart was saying “thank you God for her life, and for the temporary separation we will have because she is your child and we will see her again someday.”

Because it was Easter season, I thought of how the disciples must have grieved as they saw Jesus die with no time to say good-bye. They had no hope of ever seeing Jesus again… until the resurrection!

It was Easter morning and I went into my grandmother’s room and opened the curtains. “He is Risen Grandmother. He is risen!” I turned to see her weakly smile as if to say “I Know… I know!” I hugged her for the last time, knowing this was not a final good-bye because I had the hope of seeing her again!

Every year Easter Sunday reminds us and gives us the hope of seeing Jesus and our loved ones in Heaven someday.

Life is hard and death is sure. But praise be to Jesus… He conquered death! We do not grieve as those with no hope! He has risen…He has risen indeed!!!



Phyllis Harbaugh is the wife of Pastor Herb Harbaugh at Memorial Baptist Church Sterling Heights, MI. She is the mother of 3 daughters, 3 son-in laws and 6 grandchildren.


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