by Staff

DETROIT, MI – Pastor Rochelle Davis Jr. of the Temple of Faith Baptist Church Detroit, retired to the position of Pastor Emeritus (6-30-2021).
The time of Pastor Rochelle’s retirement was commemorated by A Drive by Celebration at the Temple of Faith Church parking lot. Pastor Rochelle was seated on a platform and each car drove by and had a moment to give their congratulations. He received a plaque from the Greater Detroit Baptist Association and the Baptist State Convention of Michigan (presented by Pastor Tim Patterson, Executive Director/Treasurer). Many pastors, church leaders and members came to give their respect and honor to a well-loved Pastor Rochelle.
Here is but a small view of the faithful ministry and life of serving that Pastor Rochelle has had:
Received Jesus Christ as Personal Lord and Savior at age ten (10)
Professed the call into Gospel Ministry in 1963
Ordained September 1965 at Baptist Temple Church, Shreveport, Louisiana
Married April 12, 1958 – Mariah Drayton (deceased)
Children (3)
Springville Senior High School – Coushatta, Louisiana
Michigan Baptist Institute; Detroit Bible School; Boyce Bible School
Institute of Holy Land Studies; American Ulpan Jerusalem, Israel
Southern Seminary Extension
Became a Pastor in 1968 and have pastored the same Church for (53 years) Temple of Faith Baptist Church
Executive Board Member – Baptist State Convention of Michigan
Advisory Board – Metropolitan Department of Evangelism – North American Mission Board
The Committee on Boards and Agencies – Southern Baptist Convention
Moderator: Greater Detroit Baptist Association
Task Force – Ethnic Liaison Unit of the BSSB
2nd Vice President – Baptist State Convention of Michigan
1st Vice President – Baptist State Convention of Michigan
President – State Pastors Conference
Committee Chairman – National Baptist, Michigan Southern Baptist
State Coordinator – Black Church Relations – BSCM
National Consultant – Evangelism (Black Church Relations)
President of African American Fellowship of Michigan
Served as Trustee on the International Mission Board, SBC
Member of the Executive Board – Baptist State Convention
Member of the Executive Board – Greater Detroit Baptist Association
Member of the Detroit Neighborhood Reformation Team
Member of Cody Rouge Faith Based Alliance
Coordinated a trip to Botswana, South Africa in relationship with the Foreign Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention
Part of Mission Trip to Kenya, East Africa
Participated in Overseas Evangelism project in England
Participated in major project St. Lucia West Indies
Mission trip to Brazil
God gave Pastor Rochelle Davis Jr., a vision to develop a people to glorify God. God also gave him a motto: A Spark that continues to spark will one day become a Flame.
His favorite quote: Stay Focused, Move forward, In the Right Direction
Thank you, Pastor Rochelle Davis Jr., for faithfully sharing God’s love, not only with your words but also with your life. You have made a difference in countless lives.