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  • Baptist Beacon

Champions of Prayer

by Staff

PLYMOUTH, MI – January 2021 officially kicks off a five year emphasis for the Baptist State Convention of Michigan (BSCM). The BSCM has set a goal of a total of 500 churches across the state convention. There are currently about 300 churches in the BSCM so to meet the goal nearly 200 churches will need to be added over the next five years. Those additions will come through starting new churches, or through existing churches joining the state convention.

There are five themes the BSCM will emphasize in leading up to 2025. They are; praying, thriving, equipping, engaging, and celebrating. The emphasis for 2021 will be prayer. The BSCM believes a foundation of prayer needs to be laid before anything else can be done. BSCM Executive-Treasurer Tim Patterson says, “We believe that when we pray and gather together, God can do great things.”

The first step in gathering Michigan churches to pray is what the BSCM is calling “Champions of Prayer.” “Champions of Prayer” are leaders in each congregation who will commit to be the contact point in each church for the mission to pray. State convention staff will provide these leaders with the tools and encouragement to inspire believers to ask God to give Michigan more churches.

The BSCM theme for most everything they do is “Punching Holes in the Darkness.” They believe that the more churches there are stretched across Michigan, the more light will pour across the state, and the more holes will be punched into the darkness. Patterson adds, “When you have healthy people and healthy churches, you are going to have a healthy community.”

BSCM unveiled this video to share their vision for reaching the state over the next five years.

If you would be interested in becoming one of Michigan’s “Champions of Prayer”, or you know someone who would be a strong advocate for prayer in your church. Click this link to sign up.


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