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Baptist Beacon

Be real, show love, make disciples

INKSTER, MI – We are One Mission Church located in Westland Michigan, We are a small, but loving Church that focuses on discipleship. With our Church being small, we know that the commitment of our members is what matters. Our mission is to transform the community one person at a time through the power of the Gospel. We live out our mission in our everyday lives. We also teach that prayer is our number one priority when we speak of getting the Word of God to those who are lost.

One Mission Church has had a busy, but productive 1st year in ministry. Within the year we have had more than 60 people join our Church family, and many others that have given their lives to Jesus Christ. In the beginning of our journey to answer the call to ministry, we had church in our home with about 10-15 people worshipping with us on Sunday mornings. This intimate setting was an amazing way to get to know some of our members on a personal level, and to build relationships. One Mission Church has volunteered at community events held by the City of Inkster on a few occasions. At these events we are able to connect with the community, and invite people that we meet to our church.

One of our first community events that we held before we launched our Sunday services was our Community Fall Festival. We now host this community event annually in October. Our event consists of food, bounce houses, Christian music, activities for all ages, and an opportunity to receive the Gospel. Our focus is always to share about Jesus Christ, and what he has done for all of us. We focus on our neighboring communities that are close to our Church. One community that is on our hearts is a low income neighborhood called Lemoyne Gardens. It’s is a housing community where about 950 residents live. The Lord has called us to this area to Love on the Community of Lemoyne Gardens, and share the good news with them whenever possible.

To get One Mission Church better equipped to go out in the community to share the Gospel we were lead to the training course of 3 circles. 3 circles helped our congregation to better understand how to turn everyday conversations into Gospel-centered conversations. During the training, a member of One Mission Church who came from a rough background of doing drugs, living on the streets, and not living for Christ, has come to have a strong relationship with the Lord. Now, she is sharing her testimony to all of the people with whom she comes in contact. Not only is she sharing her faith, but she has a better understanding of life and who she lives to serve in this world.

One Mission Church may be a small church, but we are continuously growing in numbers and in love for Jesus Christ. We have a strong impact on our community because of the Love that Jesus Christ has for us. The Lord brought us to this building to serve others while sharing his good and faithful love across the nations. We are excited to see what 2020 brings. As we charge our members every week at the end of Sunday Service, be real, show love and make disciples, we also charge you to do the same.



Antonio and Jessica Wimberly are from Inkster, MI. Their church is located in Westland MI Antonio is a church Planter/ Pastor for One Mission Church. Antonio and Jessica have been married going on 7 years. They have 2 children Savanah 13 and Antonio 5. Antonio has also been trained to help coach other Church Planters; he's waiting for that opportunity to serve. Antonio Also Works with the Youth for the African American Fellowship of Michigan.


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