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Phil Wallin

A father choosing faith

MONROE – As I sit down to write this article on family ministry and what it means to be a father, I have just learned I am going to be a grandfather for the second time. My beautiful granddaughter Georgia Grace just celebrated her 1st birthday and now she will become a sister. My wife, Tammy and I are so full of joy it’s indescribable, and now we receive this incredible news. My heart is so overwhelmed with gratitude and praise for the greatness of God.

Meanwhile, I am also experiencing apprehension at the prospects of the world my grandchildren will face. Life for the children of America is changing so rapidly, and children today are met with challenges I cannot even comprehend. However, we have a Father in heaven who is forever unchanging. He is sovereign and in control, no matter how great the chaos becomes.

Now more than ever, my faith is put on the front line. Now more than ever, when the structure of the traditional family is under attack, we need men of God to stand up and be counted. Now more than ever, I feel the responsibility of living wholeheartedly for the Lord and setting the example for my family.

I am reminded of the story of Jacob in Genesis 42 & 43. He was afraid to send his youngest son Benjamin back to Egypt with his brothers. Jacob had already lost one son, Joseph and now his son Simeon was being held ransom, waiting for the return of his brothers. Jacob was afraid, however, because the famine was severe, he was left with no choice. He had to trust God, and there is no better place to be. For in our weakness His strength is perfected. I can’t help but think about the extraordinary blessing Jacob would have missed if he had failed to trust God. We know how the story ends; he received all his children back to him.

As a father and a grandfather, I need to trust God. Not because I know everything in the world will be perfect for my family, but because I know God has a perfect plan no matter what may come. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, for those who are the called according to His purpose.” That doesn’t mean there is not going to be pain and heartache, but it means there will be glory for God through the name of Jesus, and that’s enough.

Therefore, I will not let the fear of my heart, or the enemy of my soul overwhelm me. I will put one foot in front of the other and I will walk in a manner worthy of the gospel. I will live my life, enjoy my blessings, and I will love my family.

So, let us approach Father’s Day full of confidence and faith, realizing we have an opportunity to share Christ with another generation. Let us follow the advice of the Holy Spirit spoken through the Apostle Paul, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)



Philip Wallin, child of God, Pastor of Faith Baptist Church of Monroe, devoted husband of Tammy, proud father of Taylor and Bobby Galbraith, grandfather of Georgia Grace and excited for the future member of our family on the way.



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