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Baptist Beacon

Sharing and caring

SOUTH LYON, MI – It is the Lord’s design that His people work together to accomplish His purpose. This is one of the strengths at First Baptist Church. (Matthew 19:26 “With men this is impossible, But with God all things are possible.”)

Each year, we participate in the Samaritan Purse Shoebox Ministry, packing 110 boxes this year, with toys, school supplies, and personal items. Our WMU reached out to a class of fifth graders in a small town in northern lower Michigan. Boxes were placed in our church. Within a few weeks, they were overflowing, not with ‘gently used’ but new shoes, socks, pants, hats and gloves. The most popular with the students were the snacks. One student wrote, “Thanks for the snacks, people with no snacks are happy to get a snack if they don’t have any. Your snacks are the best snacks.”

A group of our members packed and mailed boxes to our men and women serving in the military. Another group of ladies met at the church and filled 27 gift bags with treats, lotion, chapstick, all items we take for granted. We believe children, and adults, begin to see God’s love through the generosity and love of His people.

We may never know the joy that the children feel when they open an unexpected gift, and learn that someone they may never meet or know, cared enough to share God’s love. We pray for each child that they might know God’s love through the gift of His son, Jesus. We also wanted to give each of the students a warm fleece blanket. Through the generosity of several members, we purchased twenty-five of these warm blankets, which even had pockets for their feet! They were delivered just before Christmas break, and as one teacher related a personal message, “The blankets are something these students will not forget.”

Giving has a way of blessing others, even beyond our imagination. A great blessing is giving through the Lottie Moon offering. (Matthew 28:19 “Go ye into all the world…”) Our offering reaches into some of the most atheistic countries in Europe such as the Czech Republic. Our goal was $4,500 and so far $6,000 has been given because of our strong belief and worth of missions.

We are truly blessed and know that God has a purpose. We once had a pastor who loved to say, “We can never out give God.” Reaching souls for Christ, the living Son of God, is the purpose of the church. We thank Him daily, giving Him all the glory and praise.



Donna Campbell and her husband Fred have been members of First Baptist Church of South Lyon since 1966 serving in various areas of the church most notably the bus ministry. Donna is presently the WMU Director and the mission work of the church.


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