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2019 Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

ALPHARETTA, GA – Today the spiritual needs of North America are as great as ever. Approximately 363 million people live here with a projected 75% who do not have a personal relationship with Christ.

Many communities, especially outside the South, have a serious lack of Bible-teaching, Evangelical churches. One look at the headlines tells the story of how secularism has overtaken our region. Poverty, violence, sky-rocketing divorce rates, human trafficking and an overflowing foster care system sadly demonstrate how greatly North America needs the hope of Christ.

At the same time, the nations continue to come here in search of a new life. Many immigrants and refugees arrive from unreached people groups and can now hear the gospel for the first time. The opportunities are endless. That’s why the North American Mission Board, in partnership with Southern Baptist pastors and churches, is committed to sending hope.

Every gift to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering—100 percent—goes to train, resource and deploy more than 5,000 missionaries involved in church planting and compassion ministries. Together we make a difference by meeting needs, planting churches and discipling new believers. Transformation is taking place one life at a time.

Things you want to know about this year’s offering:

  • National Goal - $70 million

  • Week of Prayer for North American Missions – Sunday, March 3 through Sunday, March 10

  • Offering Theme – Sending Hope

  • Verse – “…He has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” – 1 Peter 1:3, CSB

  • Offering Resources Available:

Southern Baptists have generously supported the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering® for North American missions since 1933. These sacrificial gifts have made it possible for millions to experience the hope of the gospel through the work of missionaries across the United States, Canada and the territories of Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam.

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