MONROE, MI – Easter is a time for every Christian to celebrate the substitutionary sacrifice Jesus made on the cross and the proof of His victory over sin and death in the resurrection. However, let us not think of those monumental events in human history as something that simply happened in the past that we only celebrate this time of the year. The centrality of the cross and resurrection should continually guide our worship and witness throughout the year and will be the foundation for our worship throughout all eternity!

The Apostle John was given an amazing Revelation by Jesus Christ, which is the final book in the closed canon of God’s Word, the Bible. In Revelation 4, John saw the centrality of God the Father and His heavenly throne. John struggled with words to describe the beauty and terror of God’s holiness. He is rightfully and constantly worshiped, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!” (Rev 4:8). In Revelation 5, the centrality of God the Son, Jesus Christ, becomes the focus.
Jesus is the only one in all creation worthy to approach the very throne of God the Father. Jesus is the only one in all creation worthy to take the scroll from the right hand of God Almighty and act to bring about all the Father’s final plans for salvation and judgment (Rev 5:1-5). And because Jesus is God, He is given the same worship as God the Father. The worship Jesus receives from the angelic beings and the redeemed in heaven is intimately tied to His death and resurrection. Jesus is the Lamb who was slain but is standing to receive honor and glory and praise (Rev 5:6-14). This will be the privilege of all believers for all eternity. We will get to continually celebrate the worth and work of Jesus!
Easter provides a unique opportunity to focus on the centrality of Jesus’ death and resurrection. It provides increased opportunities in our cultural context to point unbelievers to the good news that His effective life, death, and resurrection are the means for forgiveness and joy before an infinitely Holy God. He is the only source of abundant mercy and grace. Christina Rossetti captured it well…
None other lamb, none other name,
None other hope in heav’n or earth or sea,
None other hiding place from guilt and shame,
None besides thee!
Easter has passed but to be revisited again next year. May we believers find such utter joy in constantly remembering the centrality of the cross and resurrection that we are driven to speak often of the gospel in every sphere of life! It will be preparation for eternity.

Jay was born and raised and re-born in Iowa. He earned a B.A. in Marketing from the University of Northern Iowa in 1997 and an M.Div. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2003. Pastor Jay met his amazing wife, Kristie, while attending seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. The Lord has blessed them with four active children (Noel, Deacon, Anna, Selah) who keep them very busy with homeschooling, music lessons, and various sports activities. Before joining CrossPointe Church in Monroe in November of 2016, the Andersons served as church planters in Iowa and cross cultural workers in East Asia.