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Baptist Beacon

What’s your identity?

LANSING, MI – When I became a Pastor’s wife, there was quite a change that took place. I noticed that most “people” started referring to me as “Pastor Stan’s wife.” In fact, when they see me on the street they often ask, are you “Pastor Stan’s wife?” I went to Kroger’s the other day, and a lady came up to me and said, “You are “Pastor Stan’s wife,” right? Now, I really wanted to say, if you know my name, I will give you $20, $30, going once, going twice ☺ ….but she may not have seen the “humor” in my statement

You have probably guessed by now, I really lost my “identity” that is, no one seems to know my name. Yes, “Identity Theft” has taken place. I have often been “identified” by my relationship to the Pastor. Secondly, it is quite interesting “how” a person responds when they come into contact with a Pastor, when he is with his wife. I have noticed that most of the time, it seems as if they only “see” the Pastor and he is eagerly greeted with smiles, hugs, etc. It appears that there is “tunnel vision.” I often have to say, “Hi, how are you?” and then I may receive “recognition” but, not too many hugs. In addition, there is another example of “identity theft.” The Pastor’s wife, the “unidentified one” is sometimes referred to as the “First Lady” and I have asked “where is that “title” in scripture”? Again, another term given to the Pastor’s Wife by the “people.” If there is a First Lady, who is the Second Lady, or the Third Lady?

This is a “call” to the Pastor’s Wives. Do you know “Who” you are? I hope you know “Whose” you are. Just a reminder, we have “Identity” in Christ. The Bible teaches that In Christ, There is now, no condemnation for me (Romans 8:1), I can never be separated from God’s love (Romans 8:38, 39), I am a new Creation (II Corinthians 5:17). I was chosen (Ephesians 1:11), I have received God’s Grace (Ephesians 2:7), and God knows “My Identity”, because He made me in His Image and He made me beautifully and wonderfully. As a Pastor’s Wife, I must know that God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, and that “whosoever” believeth in Him, shall not perish but, shall have everlasting life. St John 3:16… and I know that God Loves Me. Therefore, I Love God, and must love His “people.” May everything that God has made, remind us of His goodness, love and care. God’s Love is true. God is expanding opportunities for me to love more, to increase and to abound in His Love.

As a result, as a Pastor’s Wife, I must show love and care for others, as I “identify” with Christ. I know I have been chosen to continue in His Love. By this, shall all know that we are His Disciples, indeed.



Sis Char Parker is a graduate of Mich. State Univ.(MSU). She is the First Lady of Faith Fellowship BC , Lansing, MI, where her husband, Dr Stan Parker has been the Senior Pastor for 18 yrs. . She has been the Keynote Speaker at Women’s Conferences, and Missionary Programs. Sis Parker is also the loving Mother of four Adult children, five Grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.


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