ALPHARETTA, GA – Pastors & church leaders, you crave dedicated help. You told me so. Here is an online and very affordable discipleship training program created and launched by the North American Mission Board. Churches at every size can enroll. It's located at: www.namb.net/pipeline
There are three levels of training for those within your church.
L1 - Becoming a learner
L2 - Becoming a leader
L3 - Becoming part of a church planting team
By going to www.namb.net/pipeline you will discover:
Inspirational video
Full overview
Training sample
Frequently asked questions
Resources to share with the church
The online training has the latest resources and allows the pastor and his people to gather when it is best for them. Get started as soon as you can by clicking on "Get Started" at www.namb.net/pipeline

Kevin Ezell, president of the North American Mission Board, SBC