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Baptist Beacon

Building a better Bambi

ROSCOMMON, MI – Hello from Bambi Lake! It was a great summer here at the lake and the fall is going to be just as amazing. As I have never been here in the Fall, I am excited to see the amazing colors as the leaves change. Looking ahead, I am also excited to see how God uses the Frances Brown State Mission Offering to accomplish His purposes here at Bambi. Bambi is poised and ready to follow God’s direction and impact the state of Michigan and beyond.

In Romans 1:16 Paul states, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” (NASB) This is the heart of Bambi. We are not ashamed and we will proclaim the Gospel! So, as we think about the Frances Brown State Offering and Bambi, I would like to share with you what happens when you give financially to Bambi Lake Retreat and Conference Center.

  1. When you give to Bambi you are investing in the lives of present and future generations who will be attending camps and retreats at Bambi. You are giving many the opportunity to hear the gospel for the first time. Others are learning how to grow and mature in their faith. While others just needed some time to get alone with God, hear His voice and find some peace in this noisy culture. Your investment helps moms and dads give their children a spiritual experience that will stay with them the rest of their lives. You help marriages grow stronger. You help men and women grow deeper in their walk with God. When you give you truly are a “Difference Maker” in the lives of thousands.

  2. When you give to Bambi you are honoring the generations who have come before us. Bambi Lake has a great heritage of being a place where God shows up, and a place where you can come and enjoy God’s creation and just relax in His presence. This did not happen by accident. The founders of Bambi Lake purposely purchased and planned this camp for that reason. They intentionally wanted Bambi to be “Sacred Ground”, a “Sanctuary”, where the people of Michigan could experience God. What an awesome vision! When you give to Bambi you are strengthening that heritage, and reinforcing the vision that brought Bambi together.

  1. When you give to Bambi you are literally “Building a Better Bambi”. When you give to Bambi you are helping to build new buildings and new activities for campers to enjoy. You are helping to repair and maintain facilities and equipment. You are helping Bambi update its infrastructure and roads. You are helping to build retaining walls and landscape flower beds and walking trails. You are helping to support the staff, interns and seasonal workers who keep Bambi functioning all year long.

To all of those who have invested in Bambi in the past, thank you. To everyone who will be investing in Bambi in the future, thank you. I believe God will richly bless as you invest, honor and build at Bambi and for the generations to come.



Mick Schatz serves on the staff of the Baptist State Convention of Michigan. He is the State Director of Spiritual Enrichment and Retreats and lives at Bambi Lake.


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