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Baptist Beacon

A chaplain's sacred moments: Being in the right place at the right time

FENTON, MI – To be a Chaplain is to be in the right place at the right time. How you get there can be a matter of being sensitive to your calling as an “Under Shepherd.” Your calling is not just a call to duty, but feeling the Holy Spirit tug at your heart to be just where God wants you to be. Being in touch with the Holy Spirit’s guidance is important, especially for where and when you should be ministering.

I had a chapel member missing last Sunday from our morning chapel service who is always in his place. Just like any regular church service, he parks his big electric wheelchair in the same place every Sunday. This particular Sunday I noticed immediately that he was not there in his usual place for worship. I finished my Sunday morning “endurance” routine by 1 pm, and felt the Holy Spirit calling me to go find my missing “sheep” that had been absent from worship that morning. At my age, I often feel like my recliner at home is calling, but not this time. God had a Divine appointment for me to attend and be his representative.

As I entered the room of my chapel family member, I was surprised to find him actively dying. I spent the next 30 minutes with him sharing his favorite scripture and praying with him as he stepped out into eternity to meet his Lord and Savior. He died a peaceful death with dignity with God’s chaplain pastor at his side at the right time. I was grateful to God that He had impressed on my heart to go check on him, and to be with him during that sacred moment. For me it was confirmation that I need to be sensitive to the Lord’s leading, and to continue receiving my “Sacred Moments.” Psalm 116:15 - Precious in the sight of the Lord Is the death of His godly ones. (NASV)

If you believe you may be called by God to be a chaplain or to be of support to our chaplains in prayer please contact me at ( You can also see more information on our BSCM website at and look under “SEND” to find the Chaplaincy page. We also offer chaplaincy training. See below for more information.

2017 BSCM EVENTS FOR CHAPLAINS: The first annual BSCM Chaplain Training will be at the Church Equipping Conference on September 16, 2017. We have an experienced chaplain key note speaker and important topics selected.



Chaplain Bob Dennis is the new Chaplain Coordinator for the BSCM. He became a North American Mission Board endorsed chaplain for the State of Michigan after ministering as a pastor in the Woodland Baptist Association for many years. He currently is a chaplain assigned to the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans.

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