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Baptist Beacon

Send Detroit news brief SBC 17 edition

Detroit church plants are fruitful and multiplying!

God continues to amaze us as we seek him in prayer by multiplying the efforts of church planters here. He continues to multiply and grow disciples at our existing church plants and now we are seeing many of those church plants multiply and "give birth" to new churches themselves! God is continuing to send forth laborers into the harvest!!

Please read these stories, pray for these churches and partner with them as the Lord leads you!


Journey Church just launched on Easter Sunday with about 60 in attendance. Pastor Chad Nelson is giving leadership as they meet in the historic Emerald Theater right in the heart of Mt. Clemens.


Crossover Church (Southfield), continues to reach the lost and baptize families of new believers! On April 23 they celebrated as 6 were baptized. Please continue to pray for these new believers to grow and for Pastor Ken and Tolice Nether and their family to have strength and vision for this church.


Narrow Path Church (St Clair Shores) is coming up on three years of being in its’ community as a "biker-friendly, tattoo-loving, come as you are" church and now Pastor Joker Bruinsma is looking to begin a second location in Adrian-Tecumseh area where there is great need and opportunity for bikers to have a church presence. Pray for them as they seek to launch this new work on July 15.


The Gathering (Windsor) celebrated its 3rd Birthday on May 7 with a worship service and three baptisms! Pastor Garth Leno preached on "vision" and their vision as a newly planted church in the city. A birthday party followed at a local public school where many members and people from the community gathered for a "Kids' Safety Day". They were able to give-a-way many significant prizes that created opportunity for more conversations.

The Gathering looks forward to this summer where they will be hosting (with the help of partner churches) SURGE Sports and Arts Camp and a Free Park Event to continue to build friendships with families in the community. They are focused on engaging the local Walker Gate community with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and continue to look to raise up those whom will be sent to other communities in Windsor and Ontario to bring the light of Christ.


Mile City Church (Livonia), still less than two years old has ventured out to send Shea and Andrea Prisk to plant Grumlaw Church (Grand Blanc, MI) in January 2018. In May they held a vision night to continue to share the dream for this new church and to build a core team. They now have over 30 people committed to join them in this adventure for Jesus!

Rejoice also over the five little ones who came to know Jesus at Mile City and were baptized in the church's first baptism of children.


The Church at Clawson (Clawson, MI), pastored by Bob Morrissey continues to baptize new believers as they place faith in Christ. Pray for Bob, his wife Cindy and their children as they serve to seek to reach people and help the church gather and grow. Pray for their specific needs concerning their family housing situation. –For grace in time allowance to accomplish the work mandated by the city on our parking lot and building. –For wisdom in the steps needed to make before re-launching. –For a permanent sign for the church.


120 people registered for our first Detroit BLVD Symposium on May 30-31. The two session gathering was led by Pastor Dhati Lewis of the North American Mission Board and Blueprint Church. Pastors, church planters and church leaders gathered to discuss issues facing those who are ministering to urban neighborhoods in Detroit. Between the two sessions, Wayne Parker, of Send Detroit, led a vision tour connecting participants with church planters and church planting needs in the city. The symposium was a great encouragement to the participants. We hope it will foster future conversations for urban church planting.


We are asking that you commit to pray for church planters in Detroit. You can get a list, requests and updates by registering at


Mission Teams Wanted!

Mission opportunities include remodeling homes and facilities, helping with kids camps or a block party. The house pictured was acquired by Refuge Detroit (Drew Ansley) and needs rehab for use in ministry.


Detroit is a great city where the gospel moving forward. We would love to have you partner with a church plant, or come and see where new works are needed to begin work through your church. Consider catching the vision and bringing your church leaders to see how you can connect for the sake of lost souls and the glory of God! Please reply to this e-mail to schedule a time where you can come to see what God is doing in Detroit!

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