FENTON, MI – My office is alongside the entrance to our beautiful Grand Rapids Home for Veterans Chapel which has a vaulted ceiling with stained glass imbedded. The members living at our facility find it a place of worship, and often a quiet meeting place with God. Whenever possible I leave my office door open to make myself available should someone want to see their pastor-chaplain.
One afternoon a tall well dressed man walked through the door with his shiny shoes and urban dress hat. He asked “is Chaplain Poston here I need to talk to him.” I explained to him that I was the chaplain that took his place when he went Home to be with the Lord at the age of 61.
His facial expression dropped, and so did he as he flopped into the chair beside the door. In a very sacred moment the bewildered gentleman explained that he was a “drunk” living in the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans domiciliary, and Chaplain Poston took him along side and explained that God had a better plan for his life than the one he was living. He explained that through the Biblical teaching of Chaplain Poston, and the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, he is now a successful urban pastor with his own flock to watch after. He had made the trip on this day to thank Chaplain Poston in person for helping him find a much better life of happiness in Christ.
This young urban pastor said he will teach his congregation the same things Chaplain Poston had taught him; the fear of God, the love of God and the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ who has a better plan for our lives than sin.
The man left as quickly as he came, never telling me his name. While only a brief encounter it was a very sacred moment that set in on me as I started to ponder this message from God. I had just made it 90% of the way through my day doing busy work like meetings, trainings, lining up programs and services, yet had not shared the Saving Grace of our Lord Jesus with anyone. God sent a messenger to me from the legacy of my “late” mentor. I had worked with Chaplain Poston for many years, but he needed to give me one more training posthumously.
This sacred moment was a “wakeup call” for this chaplain to not wait until Sunday’s Alter Call to share the Amazing Grace of our Lord Jesus. I need to look, listen, and share Jesus all along the trail to Sunday. We never know whom God may have to cross our paths. Be ready and be willing.
CONTACT INFORMATION: If you have been called by God to be a chaplain or to be of support to our chaplains in prayer please feel free to contact me at (bdennis@bscm.org). You can also see more information at bscm.org/chaplain.
2017 BSCM EVENTS FOR CHAPLAINS: The first annual BSCM Chaplain Training will be at the Church Equipping Conference on September 16, 2017. We have a great key note speaker and meaningful topics selected.
Chaplain Bob Dennis is the new Chaplain Coordinator for the BSCM. He became a North American Mission Board endorsed chaplain for the State of Michigan after ministering as a pastor in the Woodland Baptist Association for many years. He currently is a chaplain assigned to the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans.