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Baptist Beacon

Thankful for a praying mom

ROSCOMMON, MI – With Mother’s day just around the corner I have been thinking about my own mother and qualities that make her so special. As a boy I was stubborn, threw temper-tantrums, kept a messy room, well, I think you get the picture. Obviously just being my mom gives her the distinguished title and position of “special”. However, among the many things that endear her to me, the one trait I have come to appreciate the most, is her prayer life. No matter the circumstance or situation, she is fully confident her Father in Heaven is listening and active in the moment.

I have seen her walk through financial woes, health setbacks, family drama and the passing of my dad with a humble boldness and peace that only comes from a strong personal prayer life. Even now she faithfully prays for my brother, myself and our families.

In 1 Thessalonians 5 we are encouraged to rejoice always, pray constantly and give thanks in everything. I believe praying always is the key. It’s hard to feel hopeless when you pray. It’s hard to be ungrateful when you pray. Continually communicating with our Heavenly Father is the bedrock of a growing, authentic relationship that allows us to filter every situation through His eyes and rely confidently on His strength for each day. I have seen my mom personify this in her life and I hope one day my kids will say the same thing about me. Thanks, Mom.



Michael Schatz, State Director of Spiritual Enrichments and Retreats since March 1, 2017 when he moved from the Tulsa, Oklahoma area. He and his wife Jackie have 3 children, Julia, Noah, and Emily.


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