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Baptist Beacon

Collegiate mobilization

ALPHARETTA, GA – What would it look like for a generation of collegiate Christians to live their lives on mission? What would happen if this generation leveraged their careers, their majors and the places they live for the sake of the gospel and for the needs of their neighbors? These are the years when you can discover your place in God’s great work, to see where your gifts and passions intersect with the greatest needs in North America. We want to connect you to opportunities to “taste and see” what it looks like when you live your life on mission.

It might be in one of the great urban cities of North America or in the rural hills of Appalachia. It could be helping to plant a church, meeting the needs of refugees, rebuilding a community after a disaster or freeing those trapped in human trafficking. In the end, it is all about being the hands and feet of Christ and taking the gospel to those who need to hear the good news of a great Savior. If you are ready to take the next step in leveraging your life for your King, take a look at the opportunities to serve.

Come join us! Let’s see what an army of collegians can do in the hands of an almighty and unstoppable God. Get involved, to learn more:


The world is in desperate need of more men and women to respond to His voice when He asks, “whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” The millennial generation is ready to answer the call.

The GenSend 6-week summer program is designed to be one of the most exciting, intense and unique student missionary experiences in North America. It immerses young adults into an urban context in one of 15 cities where they gain practical knowledge of the realities of missions and leadership. Participants will spend their time learning to live life on mission under the guidance of urban ministry leaders. While reinforcing gospel foundations and simple missiological practices, the intention of GenSend is to be an extension of the local church’s church planting and mission efforts, allowing students to taste what it is like to be a church planter or missionary.

Matthew 9:37-38 “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

How you can help: “Invest”

Support these students financially while they go out to cities across North America. Would you consider giving, or sponsoring as a group, the approximate $3,900 to send one student as he or she seeks to answer the call of missions?

Estimated Costs for six weeks:

Lodging: $1,600

Food: $1,200

Travel and Commuting: $1,100

Total: $3,900

To learn more, sign up or give visit:

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