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A pastor's wife's journey through the years

TRAVERSE CITY, MI – I began writing the poem, The Wind, one stormy night while I was living in Southern California. I was born and raised in New York and after getting married, moved with my husband to the West Coast so that he could complete seminary. I was far away from family and everyone I had ever known (my husband not included). We had been trying to get pregnant, unsuccessfully, for over a year. I had recently had a miscarriage and I couldn’t get a full-time job. I felt useless and lonely.

The Wind

By Kristin L. Norman

The wind is blowing outside my window.

May the glass hold through the night;

Hold fast until the sun rises.

The sun will rise.

The wind will fade.

Rest easy my soul.

Years have passed and still the rain falls,

but the walls are strong, the roof faultless.

My body is safe and my soul secure.

A new day.

A new storm.

The thunder shakes my core.

My heart beats to the rhythm of the storm.

My body is tired and my heart is faint.

When will this storm subside?

The thunder has faded,

my heart will find rest.

Relief will come tomorrow.

The wind has returned

and yet it brings joy instead of pain.

It brings hope.

As the wind beats against the windows,

my heart is hopeful for what it may bring.

There aren’t too many stormy nights in Southern California, but as the wind shook my windows I felt as though it was shaking my very soul. So, I began to write. And as I did, I was reminded of the Psalms and how, so often, no matter how difficult the circumstance, the Psalmist would end it with hope. As I meditated on the Psalms and wrote, my soul was comforted.

After my husband completed seminary and was ordained, we moved to Traverse City, Michigan. We accepted the call to a senior pastorate at The Orchard Church and I was still infertile and unemployed. I was excited about this new opportunity to serve, but then another storm came. Again, I found myself lying awake in bed hearing the wind against my windows, and although several years had passed, I was still without a child or a full-time job. I still felt alone.

God did not give me either a child or a full-time job for five years. It was a long five years, filled with sorrow, pain, but also joy and new friendships. Then, within one month, I received my daughter through foster care, found out I was pregnant, and received my first contracted teaching position. I am now a full-time teacher, a mother of two amazing children, and so much more. My life is full and chaotic, but so very wonderful. There was a drought in my life for five years and then God opened up the floodgates and the storm no longer brought pain but joy. The rain that pounds on my roof is no longer a symbol of sorrow, but of God’s profound grace in my life.



Kristin L. Norman was born and raised in the ‘forgotten borough’ of New York City. She has lived on each coast and now resides in Traverse City, Michigan. She is a pastor’s wife, mother of two, teacher, worship leader, and author. You can follow her at


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