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  • Baptist Beacon

Book of the Month: John Adams

FENTON, MI – It goes without saying that we have just come through one of the most belligerent and divisive political seasons in the history of our great nation. As a result, we as a people will not be the same.

As I reflect on our present political atmosphere, I thought it would be appropriate for my first book to review and recommend in this column would be one that covers the life of one of our forefathers. The book that I recommend is John Adams by David McCullough and published by Simon and Schuster. Even though it was released over 15 years ago, it is still most relevant today.

It is a nonfiction book that details the life of one of our Founding Fathers and gives us great insight into his foundation, family and faith. Biographies can, at times, be boring and tedious but David does an admirable job in keeping an identifiable human connection before us throughout the pages. The window that it opens to Adam’s friendship with Thomas Jefferson is illuminating and fascinating.

The insight that is given into the life of Abigail, his wife and their loving, lifelong relationship is worth the read. It is not a short volume with more than 700 pages, including its source notes, but it will keep you engaged until the last page.

This will be a great book for these long winter nights and one that will instill hope amidst our present political climate.



Tim Patterson is Executive Director/Treasurer of the Baptist State Convention of Michigan. Elected unanimously in May of 2015, Patterson formerly served for 9 years as pastor of Hillcrest Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Fla. He also served as trustee chair and national mobilizer for the North American Mission Board.


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