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Baptist Beacon

The 3151 Challenge

FENTON, MI – Everyone loves a challenge! If you are on FaceBook, your page probably has friends going through a challenge or issuing a challenge right now. Mine certainly does. So, I want to issue a challenge to Michigan Baptists. I call it the 3151 Challenge for 2017

What is the 3151 Challenge?

3 – Pray for three lost friends daily

1 – Learn a Gospel presentation

5 – Invite five people to attend your group

1 – Share the Gospel at least one time

Part of the 3151 Challenge is to lead your church in setting aside a time in 2017 to equip people to share the Gospel. Click here for a printable 3151 Challenge Card to use in your church.

3 – Pray for three lost friends daily

The 3151 Challenge begins with a call for God's people to join together in concerted prayer for the people in our lives who need Jesus. We know their names. They are our family, our friends, and our neighbors. If we are not praying for them to receive Christ, who is? Who will?

We recently loaned the “Share Jesus Without Fear” study to a church. The pastor sent me this encouraging note after leading the church through it: “Two men that attended the series have been able to apply the principles learned, and have each lead a person to the Lord. One was the daughter of a man that had been praying for her for years." This is an incredible testimony to the power of prayer for a loved one who needed Christ!

You can start the 3151 Challenge right now! Write down the names of three people you know who need Jesus and begin praying for them.

1 – Learn a Gospel presentation

The Apostle Paul boldly exclaimed, “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). The great Apostle believed in the power of the Gospel. He knew it, lived it, and shared it. As a new follower of Jesus, I remember sharing (maybe even preaching) my pastor’s sermons with friends. It was the only way I knew how to share Jesus. Eventually, my church taught me how to share my personal testimony about my faith. It was the first of many helpful ways I've since learned to better express the great hope that we have in Christ. There are many great resources available to equip us to share Jesus. Your challenge is to learn one.

We can help. We have a number of resources at the BSCM that we can loan your church or you can go to to find information about the 3 Circles Life Conversation Guide or One Verse Evangelism. We want to help you find knowledge, strength and courage to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

5 – Invite five people to attend your church or group

Did you know that the overwhelming reason people give for attending worship or another church function is because a friend or family member invited them? People come when we invite them. The 3151 Challenge capitalizes on the power of a personal invitation to connect people with opportunities to hear the Gospel. In John 1:43-51, Andrew invited Philip to meet Jesus with the words, “come and see.” Philip accepted the invitation and experienced a personal encounter with Jesus that changed his life! All you need do is share the invitation.

Lives are being transformed every day because someone invited them to an event where they came in contact with God's people, and heard the Good News about Jesus.

1 – Share the Gospel at least one time

Jesus said, "You shall be my witnesses...." The ultimate goal of the 3151 Challenge is for us to obey Jesus and punch holes in the darkness by sharing Him. Let's become more effective as we pray, learn, invite, and share Jesus together with the 3151 Challenge!



Mike Durbin is the State Evangelism Director for the Baptist State Convention of Michigan. Before joining the state convention staff, Mike served as Church Planting Catalyst and Director of Missions in Metro Detroit since 2007. He also has served as a pastor and bi-vocational pastor in Michigan, as well as International Missionary to Brazil.


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