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It's Time To Pray

Baptist Beacon

PORTAGE, MI – Because of the spiritual climate of our country Franklin Graham is leading Prayer Rallies on state capitol grounds throughout 2016. The Rallies extend a challenge to Christians across our land to boldly live out their faith and to pray fervently and faithfully for our nation. In each rally Franklin shares the Gospel and invites a personal response. During the first 32 state stops more than 150,000 from across denominations have gathered for Decision America Tour Prayer Rallies. There have been over 1,000 who have made decisions for Christ.

On Tuesday, October 4th, Franklin will be leading a Decision America Tour Prayer Rally on the capitol steps in Lansing. The Rally will provide the body of Christ, the opportunity to stand together in our allegiance, not to a political party but to Almighty God. I hope you will come and bring your church body. It is important that we pray and not just talk about praying. It is important that we pray together. My church must pray, Michigan Southern Baptists must pray. But more than that the body of Christ in Michigan must come together and pray. It is important that we stand together before the Throne of Grace in full view of our nation that is living in such darkness.

The presidential campaign is in full swing. There is no real ground for hope in political parties or campaign promises. But there is real hope in our promise keeping God. It's time to pray.

Join fellow Christ followers from across Michigan.

When: Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at 12:00 p.m.

Where: on the Capitol East Steps at 100 N Capitol Ave in Lansing.

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To involve your church and volunteer to serve, visit:




Jim Glidewell is the Michigan Field Rep for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. He works with My Hope and the Decision America Tour. He is also the pastor of Amazing Grace Baptist Fellowship and serves as Associational Missionary for South Central Baptist Association. Jim retired from the North American Mission Board in 2011 having served in Michigan and Ontario, Canada.


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