by Stan Parker
LANSING, MI – Over the past few weeks, we have observed many of our cities experiencing riots due to the recent outpouring for social justice and reform in how policing is conducted in our nation. These are difficult days we are living in.
There is so much unrest, heartbreak, sin, and hardship. Thankfully, we serve a God who is a loving Heavenly Father and we can have hope knowing that He is working all things for good for those who love Him. One day God will wipe away every tear, and make all things new. Until this occurs, we must live the Gospel in word and deeds.
As Christians we may be upset watching innocent individuals being killed due to injustice, however, we have a responsibility to ensure the Gospel is lived out.
The Bible challenges us in the book of Micah 6:8 states, "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"
Part of walking humbly is to recognize injustice and be willing to act.
Recently, in the Potter Walsh Neighborhood which is a multi-ethnic community, a white man named Roc was very sad at the news of Rodney Boyd being killed in Atlanta. He thought about his indoctrination as a child where he was taught to hate African Americans.
Roc called one of his high school teachers to find out what he could do to address his anger and sadness. His teacher and friend suggested that Roc go to visit a predominately African American Church and build relationships.
Roc accepted the suggestion and made his way to Faith Fellowship Baptist Church, which is located in the Potter Walsh Neighborhood. Roc arrived at the church and attended Sunday School and morning worship.
During Sunday School, Roc shared his testimony and began crying because he felt he was part of the problem of hatred in the world. The Sunday class embraced Roc, and comforted him with the love of Christ. He asked what he could do to be part of the answer. The Sunday teacher shared the Gospel, and Roc felt relieved.
He now attends a predominately African American Church. He is growing the Lord, and has become an Ambassador for justice, love, and mercy. Roc is sharing the Gospel with his friends and neighbors.
Dr. Stan Parker is the Pastor of Faith Fellowship Baptist Church in Lansing Michigan. He is the current President of the Michigan African American Fellowship. He is married to First Lady Char Parker.