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  • Baptist Beacon

The New Year provides a fresh start

FENTON, MI – Beginning a new year is always a thrilling time. The excitement of opening up a brand new calendar planner, (Yes, I still use one). There is nothing like it! Unsoiled and unfolded pages, fresh crisp paper, no coffee stains, no red penned scratched out appointments, and no arrow markings moving events to different dates. The awesomeness of a freshly printed task list. All those neatly organized lists and schedules with deadlines that seem so attainable. No pressures or worries, everything is perfect. Right?!

The New Year also provides a fresh start and a chance to set new ministry goals. Careful planning and new ministry ideas are always the goal of the BSCM Women’s Ministry Team. Planning attractive and high quality ministry projects is the perfect way to keep our leadership team and you passionate about the ministries offered for you to participate in. We have planned 24 plus women’s ministry and WMU mission events for 2019. For an up to date list of events, visit the website or follow us on FaceBook: BSCM Women’s Ministries & Missions – Michigan WMU.

As a leader in your church, spend quality time with your team members, praying, planning, evaluating and sharing your ministry goals. Encourage your team to set personal goals as well as goals for the ministry. Brainstorm together on what it will take to reach these goals. Pray for God’s leading and follow.

Organizing and preparing yourself for the New Year is just as important as for ministry. Assessing and setting personal goals are essential for individual growth. The first factor to consider is your personal Bible study time. How much time are you spending in God’s word? Set some Bible study goals now. Decide on a new study book or Bible reading plan. Find a friend who will meet with you to do a study. There are so many resources available and our women’s ministry team is available to assist you in finding fresh ideas that will work for you. Just email us at ( or give us a call at the office.

Consider goals related to reaching the community for Christ, and ministering to the needs that are found in your area. Ask yourself, who is available to come alongside of you to help reach these goals? We can help you find the resources needed to accomplish these great tasks.

Consider leadership development. What tools and resources are needed to help each team members accomplish these goals? The BSCM Women’s Ministry is available to help with resources. Our team’s main goal this year is to focus on leadership development. We want to help the women in your church develop the skills and gifts that God has given them as leaders. There are resources available for women to study on their own as well as in groups. Developing their leadership skills, to refine or discover the gifts that God has given to be used in His Kingdom work, may unleash an untapped resource in your church. We can provide many avenues and pipelines to help you sharpen your leadership skills and become the ministry leader God intends for you to be.

The Women’s Ministry has a network of women ready to support the ministries that you have envisioned to help the hurting in your community. As you assess the needs, share them with us. How can we come alongside to help you to reach your goals? Today, more than ever, people want to be involved in something that makes a difference. No longer are we content with just going to church and learning more, women want to be an active part in changing lives, ministering to people, making Christ visible and active in the world through them. Women’s Ministry is all about that – developing leaders, ministering to people, seeing lives changed, developing disciples that make a difference wherever they find themselves, and becoming the hands and feet of Christ in the world. Yes, 2019 is a new calendar and it’s ready to be filled with the best we have to offer Christ. Join us, let us come alongside of you, whatever the case, we are here to help.



Sue Hodnett serves as women’s ministry leader for the BSCM as well as WMU Michigan Executive Director. She has dedicated her life to ministering to women in Michigan.


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