STERLING HEIGHTS, MI – Ministry to Deaf Iraqi Refugees - There are 24 students enrolled in the second session of the English/American Sign Language Class. They are eager to learn and were so excited to be able to write their name and address. Students are learning 2 languages and 10-12 are participating in a Bible Study Class two nights a month. Sign language interpreting provides opportunity for them to learn spiritual things since most of them could not go to church in Iraq because of persecution.
Partners - The Michigan Deaf Ministry is happy to partner with Michigan individual and churches on mission projects. They can schedule the Memorial Signing Choir to come to your church. If you have deaf members they can help. Contact Phyllis Harbaugh for details. Phyllis will pray with churches and show opportunities to join in on God’s plan.
Blankets For The Cancer Center - Ladies from the Deaf ministry have made more than 100 tie blankets for the Beaumont Hospital Cancer Center. Precious stories come back telling how the blankets not only warm the bodies, but warm the hearts of those who receive them. We are blessed to have a small part in brightening someone’s day!
Support - Please pray about being a part of God’s work among the Deaf in 2017 by partnering in prayer, encouragement ministry through cards, letters and emails, and through financial support. Some of our needs in 2017:
Flannel for tie blankets (Made for Beaumont Cancer Center)
Birthday Gifts (Given out monthly)
Christmas gifts (Given out in December)
Gas Cards (Providing transportation for those who do not drive)
Monthly Deaf Fellowship Dinner (Meal provided for the Deaf Community)
Chaldean Iraqi Refugees Classes (Supplies for Classes, Interpreter Services & Assistants)
New computer for missionary (approximate cost is $800)
Memorial Deaf Ministries( MDM) Opportunity for DVC LiveStream Network. The mission goal of is to communicate the gospel to the Deaf community in their language, American Sign Language (ASL) by providing visual communications of Bible Stories, Sermons, Deaf worship services, children’s lessons in sign language, Bible Studies, Dramas, and music in American Sign Language. They are praying that the DVC LiveStream will be used by God’s appointed servants for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the body of Christ (Eph. 4:11-12)
Memorial Baptist Church (MBC) has an opportunity to have a TV channel that will broadcast services live or taped. While DVC Network focuses on Deaf churches and Deaf ministries, MBC could livestream or tape hearing services as well. MBC would have its own channel available through 24 hours a day/7 days a week. It broadcasts around the world. The estimated cost is $4000 for equipment (cameras, lighting, set-up for channel, encoder, etc.) plus a monthly charge of $50 (Standard usage) or $100 (Heavy usage) and any additional monthly cost to upgrade the internet server. Check out DVC.TV website ministry to learn more.
Donate - Send donations to Memorial Deaf Ministries, 12651 Clinton River Road, Sterling Heights, MI 48313. Make checks payable to “Memorial Deaf Ministries” and indicate “Missionary Support” on the memo line.
Phyllis Harbaugh is the director for MSC Missionary to the Deaf, a ministry of Memorial Baptist Church, 41679 Tetley, Sterling Heights, MI 48313.